O. Gorbatyuk,M. Veselyi,Y. Zbrozhyk
Abstract:The issue of objective assessment of a patient’s condition with testicular torsion, who has been admitted to an urgent clinic, is becoming increasingly relevant. The aim of the study is to assess the degree and dynamics of psychological condition of pediatric patients with testicular torsion and psychological correction of identifi ed disorders.Materials and methods. The study of psychological state included 27 children aged 11-16 years, who underwent surgery fortesticular torsion and had psycho- neurological disorders related to the pathology and possible consequences. The psychological state of the children was evaluated by analyzing the data obtained during the questionnaire. The questionnaire was administered after the patient’s discharge from the hospital and one month after the operation, during the psychological correction of the identifi ed disorders. The questionnaire diagnoses the formed pattern of attitudes towards the disease itself, its treatment, doctors and medical staff , family and close people, the environment, work (education), loneliness and the future, as well as towards vital functions such as well-being, mood, sleep and appetite. The questionnaire, modifi ed into a personal survey based on the Bekhterev Institute, consists of 7 sections and 7 statements that refl ect the patient’s opinion regarding testicular pathology.Results. After analyzing the data obtained from the questionnaire, four types of attitudes were identifi ed in the group of children studied. Anxious: This type of attitude was observed in 10 participants, representing 37.05 % of the group (n = 10). Obsessive- phobic: This type of attitude was found in 9 participants, representing 33.33 % of the group (n = 9). Neurasthenic: A total of 4 participants exhibited this type of attitude, representing 14.81 % of the group (n = 4). Melancholic: This type of attitude was observed in 4 participants, also representing 14.81 % of the group (n = 4). The basis of postoperative treatment and rehabilitation of children with testicular pathology should be rational psychotherapy aimedat explaining the peculiarities of the postoperative period, removing obsessive doubts about one’s own inadequacy, and improving medical- social adaptation. After surgery, in the fi rst month of postoperative period, along with psychological correction, neurotic changes in mental state disappear in all children.Conclusions1. The impact of testicular torsion on the psychological state of pediatric patients is signifi cant, which should become an important factor in choosing the treatment strategy.
2. The psychological state of a child with testicular torsion signifi cantly infl uences the course of the postoperative period and the recovery process.3. Timely and eff ective surgical intervention for testicular pathology in children not only eliminates a range of possible complications but also mitigates the impact of the pathology on the patient’s psychological state.4. Multidisciplinary assistance in the case of testicular torsion should adhere to all the principles of a patient- centered model and focus on the patient’s individual needs, the specifi cs of clinical approaches, and risk factors. This approach also involves considering life circumstances, involving the patient in clinical decision- making, providing objective information to the patient and their family about available therapeutic options, and ensuring medical and rehabilitation support.