Reinforcement Learning for Robust Dynamic Event-Driven Constrained Control

Xiong Yang,Ding Wang
Abstract:We consider a robust dynamic event-driven control (EDC) problem of nonlinear systems having both unmatched perturbations and unknown styles of constraints. Specifically, the constraints imposed on the nonlinear systems' input could be symmetric or asymmetric. Initially, to tackle such constraints, we construct a novel nonquadratic cost function for the constrained auxiliary system. Then, we propose a dynamic event-triggering mechanism relied on the time-based variable and the system states simultaneously for cutting down the computational load. Meanwhile, we show that the robust dynamic EDC of original nonlinear-constrained systems could be acquired by solving the event-driven optimal control problem of the constrained auxiliary system. After that, we develop the corresponding event-driven Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman equation, and then solve it through a unique critic neural network (CNN) in the reinforcement learning framework. To relax the persistence of excitation condition in tuning CNN's weights, we incorporate experience replay into the gradient descent method. With the aid of Lyapunov's approach, we prove that the closed-loop auxiliary system and the weight estimation error are uniformly ultimately bounded stable. Finally, two examples, including a nonlinear plant and the pendulum system, are utilized to validate the theoretical claims.
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