Three AChR-Ab and MuSK-Ab double-seropositive myasthenia gravis patients and review of literature
Yanlei MU,Hua ZHANG,Hong GUO,Shifang HOU,Jian YIN,Yun JIANG,Hong ZHAO
Abstract:Objective To analyze the clinical features,diagnosis and management of double seropositive myasthenia gravis (MG),which means both antibodies to acetylcholine receptors (AChR-Ab) and muscle specific tyrosine kinase (MuSK-Ab) are positive.The data of our three patients and cases which have been reported were analyzed together for making a full understanding of this rare condition.Methods A search was conducted for papers published on Medline and Wanfang database in the recent 20 years to study cases on double seropositive MG in terms of clinical features,electrophysiology and laboratory tests,management and prognosis.Data of our three patients and previous reported cases were analyzed together.Results Eight papers reporting seven patients met the inclusion criteria.In total ten patients were analyzed,including four males and six females,mean age (45.5±24.1) yeavs.The onset symptoms varied form,ptosis,diplopia to dyspnea.The involved muscles included extra ocular muscles (9/10),bulbar muscles (9/10),proximal limbs (8/10),neck extensor (7/10) and respiratory muscles (6/10).The incidence of myasthenic crisis was as high as 50%.9 patients underwent electromyography (EMG),the positive rate of repetitive nerve stimulation (RNS) of was 88.9%,the positive rate of single fiber EMG (SFEMG) was 100%.The double positive antibodies could not only be identified in the deterioration phase of anti-AChR positive MG,but also identified the first examination.The patients were often responsive to the treatments of pyridostigmine and immunosupressive drugs,and patients with crisis (4/4) can be markedly improved by plasma exchange (PE),Rituximab was beneficial for severe symptoms such as dyspnea (2/2),cyclosporine was partial beneficial in 1 of 2 and not responsive in the rest,azathioprine was not responsive to all.The double positive antibodies might change during remission.Conclusions The double seropositive MG can be involved at any age,with a female dominance,and generalized muscle involvement,and are more likely to be in severe conditions.The benefit of immunosuppressive drug therapy varied.PE is beneficial for crisis treatment.The results of antibodies identification can change with the clinical exacerbation and remission.