Immunoinformatics approach for designing a multiepitope subunit vaccine against porcine epidemic diarrhea virus genotype IIA spike protein
Ella Mae Joy S Sira,Edward C Banico,Nyzar Mabeth O Odchimar,Lauren Emily Fajardo,Ferdinand F Fremista Jr,Hanna Angelika B Refuerzo,Ana Patrisha A Dictado,Fredmoore L Orosco
Abstract:Background: Porcine epidemic diarrhea (PED), caused by the porcine epidemic diarrhea virus (PEDV), is associated with high mortality and morbidity rates, especially in neonatal pigs. This has resulted in significant economic losses for the pig industry. PEDV genotype II-based vaccines were found to confer better immunity against both heterologous and homologous challenges; specifically, spike (S) proteins, which are known to play a significant role during infection, are ideal for vaccine development. Aim: This study aims to design a multi-epitope subunit vaccine targeting the S protein of the PEDV GIIa strain using an immunoinformatics approach. Methods: Various bioinformatics tools were used to predict HTL, CTL, and B-cell epitopes. The epitopes were connected using appropriate linkers and conjugated with the CTB adjuvant and M-ligand. The final multiepitope vaccine construct (fMEVc) was then docked to toll-like receptor 4 (TLR4). The stability of the fMEVc-TLR4 complex was then simulated using GROMACS. C-immsim was then used to predict the in vitro immune response of the fMEVc. Results: Six epitopes were predicted to induce antibody production, ten epitopes were predicted to induce CTL responses, and four epitopes were predicted to induce HTL responses. The assembled epitopes conjugated with the CTB adjuvant and M-ligand, fMEVc, is antigenic, non-allergenic, stable, and soluble. The construct showed a favorable binding affinity for TLR4, and the protein complex was shown to be stable through molecular dynamics simulations. A robust immune response was induced after immunization, as demonstrated through immune stimulation. Conclusion: In conclusion, the multi-epitope subunit vaccine construct for PEDV designed in this study exhibits promising antigenicity, stability, and immunogenicity, eliciting robust immune responses and suggesting its potential as a candidate for further vaccine development.