G Tchernev
Abstract:Drug-induced Nitrosogenesis/Carcinogenesis turns out to be a ubiquitous, pervasive, large-scale, poorly controllable concept for the academic community, which underlies the long-term, permanent modification of the human genome by contact with nitrosamines/NDSRIs, which ultimately leads to the generation of diverse cancers, but also melanoma in particular. The discovery of a (currently) unclassifiable number of nitroso derivatives/genome modifiers in the most commonly distributed drugs worldwide (in about 300 preparations according to the FDA/includes beta blockers/bisoprolol/nebivolol and ACE inhibitors/perindopril), their forced tolerability, attributed as a necessity or lack of alternative also to the present (but also to future periods), and their proven carcinogenicity (already 70 years ago), suggest a kind of creepy form of experiment to which public health is subjected worldwide. The creation of a universal nitroso-comfort of pharmaceutical companies and the regulation of a permanent intake of carcinogens in drugs for years to come, but also decades back, suggest possible cartel agreements between the regulation/distribution unit and that of production cycles. These "agreements" are becoming increasingly evident and in all likelihood position nitrosogenesis from a until recently unknown element, to a pathogenetic factor of paramount importance. Melanoma could be viewed precisely as the controlled end gene-modified product of drug-mediated nitrosogenesis/carcinogenesis, proven to be a locoregional (but not only) phenomenon hundreds if not thousands of times. The dilemma stays: Are the nitrosamines in drugs genetic weapons, ethnic bioweapons for silent war ? The nitrosogenesis concerning melanoma leads to the logical conclusion that cancer is in fact a largely controlled set event or, according to others, a forced necessity of evolutionary globalization processes to purge the population in certain regions. In favor of this statement indicative are namely: 1) lack of regulatory control/results of such conducted, 2) complete information veil for the end user regarding contamination with carcinogens/nitrosamines in certain batches or all batches of drugs, 3) misinformation and lack of transparency regarding the concept of nitrosogenesis also for the academic community, as well as 4) the impunity to pharmaceutical conglomerates after criminal negligence/controlled criminogenicity proven thousands of times by the FDA/EMA leading to regulatory controlled drug mediated genocide of the human population in certain areas on a daily basis. And most important of all: 5) the lack of refusal to eliminate these drugs, i.e. - the imposition of forced tolerance at any cost. It is extremely unfortunate that the mentioned and identified grotesque/situation, its tolerance on a global scale, lead to a misjudgement of the significance of real tumor inducers within the global health map//statistics as well as melanoma. The focus of prevention is being displaced, while the incidence of cancer in general and that of melanoma is skyrocketing. Nitrosamines could be defined as the newest, modern, until recently invisible and unknown, but -controllable form of genetic weapon to modify the human genome. Because of these very facts, the likelihood that clinicians and the academic community are in the frozen and permanent state of the Dunning-Kruger effect is very real. Certain globalization regulatory elements create problems and assignments that must be solved ˝competently˝ by incompetent, fully regulatable compartments. As their state of competence depends again and entirely on ˝their incompetence˝. Until now. After the formalization of the concept of Nitrosogenesis (as a form of genetic weapon) and melanoma for example, but not only, it remains to be seen whether universal incompetence will become a guarantee of competence and the survival. Or- will it remain again at the level of globalized, criminally conditioned, appointed and regulated from above "competent incompetence". The dilemmas to regulators and manufacturers remain open : Is it competent to take drugs that contain carcinogens/nitrosamines? Is it competent for this issue to continue for decades with impunity? Is it competent for regulators not to inform consumers about the presence of carcinogens/genome modifiers in medicines for decades? Is it competent for certain regions to be affected by nitrosamine contamination and not others? Is it competent not to reflect this in regional and global health bulletins on side effects? Is it competent to make thousands of times the profits from the modified genetic map business, regulated and legally initiated through the intake of carcinogens? Is it competent to have the concentration of carcinogens within polymedication exceeding many times the daily allowable doses of carcinogens and have no solution for this? Is it competent, when the intake of nitrosamines in medicines is associated with the generation of melanomas and heterogeneous cancers- to have no alternative to this or when one is available- to conceal it skillfully? Is it competent to determine carcinogenic activity based on mutagenic tests? Is it competent to be polyincompetent within a framework of mass (in)competence? We report systemically administered drugs for the treatment of high blood pressure from the group of beta blockers (bisoprolol/nebivolol) and ACE inhibitors (perindopril) that have been identified by regulators in the face of FDA as hypothetically contaminated with nitrosamines/NDSRIs with a carcinogenic potency between 4 and 5, respectively. Within this cumulative intake, (which according to the regulators was not at risk of developing cancerous forms), similar to other cases in the world literature, the patient developed a relatively short-term, metastatic nevus spilus-based nodular melanoma. The paper analyses not only the role of nitrosogenesis, but also that of two pregnancies and painful sunburns as potential cofactors for melanoma genesis. Academic attention is drawn to the potential impact of drug-mediated nitrosogenesis/carcinogenesis. Nitrosamines in the framework of polycontamination and polymedication could also be identified as one of the most effective, until recently unknown, modern generation genetic weapons for modifying the human genome and controlling cancer. Moreover, they could be controllably applied and skillfully targeted. At least until now. The officialization of carcinogens in more than 250 of the most common drugs and the clinico-pathological correlations concerning the development of cancer/melanoma in poorly controlled geographical regions represent a kind of in vivo prospective study to determine precisely the real carcinogenic role of nitrosamines to date.
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