Smart Communities Internet of Things
Klara Nahrstedt,Daniel Lopresti,Ben Zorn,Ann W. Drobnis,Beth Mynatt,Shwetak Patel,Helen V. Wright
Computers and Society
Abstract:Today's cities face many challenges due to population growth, aging population, pedestrian and vehicular traffic congestion, water usage increase, increased electricity demands, crumbling physical infrastructure of buildings, roads, water sewage, power grid, and declining health care services. Moreover, major trends indicate the global urbanization of society, and the associated pressures it brings, will continue to accelerate. One of the approaches to assist in solving some of the challenges is to deploy extensive IT technology. It has been recognized that cyber-technology plays a key role in improving quality of people's lives, strengthening business and helping government agencies serve citizens better. In this white paper, we discuss the benefits and challenges of cyber-technologies within "Smart Cities", especially the IoT (Internet of Things) for smart communities, which means considering the benefits and challenges of IoT cyber-technologies on smart cities physical infrastructures and their human stakeholders. To point out the IoT challenges, we will first present the framework within which IoT lives, and then proceed with the challenges, conclusions and recommendations.