Capturing and labeling CO2 in a jar: Mechanochemical 17O-Enrichment and ssNMR study of Sodium and Potassium (bi)carbonate Salts
Danielle Laurencin,Austin Peach,Celia Erre,Thomas-Xavier Métro,David Gajan,Frédéric Mentink-Vigier,Faith Scott,Julien Trébosc,Florian Voron,Nicolas Patris,Christel Gervais,Nicolas Fabregue
Abstract:With the rapid increase in temperatures around the planet, the need to develop efficient means to reduce CO2 emissions has become one of the greatest challenges of the scientific community. Many different strategies are being studied worldwide, one of which consists in trapping the gas into porous materials, either for its short- or long-term capture and storage, or its re-use for the production of value-added compounds. Yet, to further the development of such systems, there is a real need to fully understand their structure and properties, including at the molecular-level following the physisorption and/or chemisorption of CO2 (which can lead to various species, including carbonate and bicarbonate ions). In this context, 17O NMR naturally appears as the analytical tool of choice, because of its exquisite sensitivity to probe subtle differences in oxygen bonding environments. To date, it has scarcely been used, due to the very low natural abundance of 17O (0.04%), and the absence of commercially available 17O-labeled compounds adapted to such investigations (e.g., 17O-CO2(g), or 17O-enriched Na- and K- (bi)carbonate salts, which can be readily transformed into CO2). Herein, we demonstrate how, using mechanochemistry, it is possible to enrich with 17O a variety of Na- and K- (bi)carbonate salts in a fast, economical, scalable, and user-friendly way. The high enrichment levels enabled recording the first high-resolution 17O ssNMR spectra of these phases at different temperatures and magnetic fields. From these, the typical spectral signatures of (bi)carbonate ions could be obtained, showing their strong sensitivity to local dynamics. Lastly, we show how thanks to the selective 17O-labeling, singular aspects of the reactivity of carbonates in materials can be unveiled using in-situ 17O ssNMR. In the long run, it is expected that this work will open the way to more profound investigations of the structure and properties of carbon capture and storage systems, and, more generally speaking, of functional materials containing carbonates.