Genome-wide analysis of chloride channel-encoding gene family members and identification of CLC genes that respond to Cl-/salt stress in upland cotton
Xun Liu,Boyi Pi,Jianwei Pu,Cong Cheng,Jiajia Fang,Bingjun Yu
Abstract:Chloride channels (CLCs) are kinds of anion transport protein family members that are mainly distributed in cell endomembrane systems of prokaryotic and eukaryotic organisms and mediate anion (Cl-, as a representative) transport and homeostasis. Some CLC genes have been reported to be involved in Cl-/salt tolerance of plants exposed to NaCl stress. Through BLAST in cotton database, a total of 22 CLCs were identified in genomes A and D in upland cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.), and except for GhCLC6 and GhCLC17, they formed highly similar homologous genes pairs. According to the prediction in PlantCARE database, many cis-acting elements related to abiotic stress responses, including ABREs, AREs, GT-1s, G-boxes, MYBs, MYCs, etc., were found in the promoters of GhCLCs. qRT-PCR revealed that most GhCLC gene expression was upregulated in the roots and leaves of cotton seedlings under salt stress, and those of homologous GhCLC4/15, GhCLC5/16, and GhCLC7/18 displayed more obvious expression. Furthermore, according to leaf virus-induced gene silencing (VIGS) assay and compared with the salt-stressed GhCLC4/15- and GhCLC7/18-silenced cotton plants, the salt-stressed GhCLC5/16-silenced plants displayed relatively better growth with significant increases in both Cl- content and Cl-/NO3- ratio in the roots and drop of the same parameters in the leaves. These results indicate that homologous GhCLC5/16, with the highest NaCl-induced upregulation of expression and the maximum number of MYC cis-acting elements, might be the key members contributing to cotton Cl-/salt tolerance by regulating the transport, interaction and homeostasis of Cl- and NO3-.