Architecture of the human GATOR 1 and GATOR 1 – Rag GTPases complexes Citation
Kuang Shen,Rick K. Huang,Edward J. Brignole,Kendall J. Condon,Max,L. Valenstein,Lynne Chantranupong,Aimaiti Bomaliyamu,Abigail Choe,Chuan Hong,Zhiheng Yu,David M. Sabatini
Abstract:Nutrients like amino acids and glucose signal through the heterodimeric Rag GTPases to activate mTORC1. Several protein complexes regulate the Rag GTPases, each serving as the effector of a distinct sensing branch of the pathway. One such regulator is GATOR1, which consists of Depdc5, Nprl2, and Nprl3, and is a GTPase Activating Protein (GAP) for RagA. Loss of GATOR1 renders mTORC1 signaling insensitive to nutrient starvation. Despite its central role in mTORC1 signaling, none of the GATOR1 components have sequence homology to other proteins, so the function of GATOR1 at the molecular level is unknown. Here we used Cryo-EM to solve two structures: GATOR1 alone and GATOR1 bound to the Rag GTPases. GATOR1 adopts an extended architecture with a cavity in the middle. Nprl2 serves as a link between Depdc5 and Nprl3, and Depdc5, the largest GATOR1 subunit, contacts the Rag heterodimer. Biochemical analyses reveal that our GATOR1-Rag structure represents an inhibitory state and that at least two binding modes must exist between the Rag GTPases and GATOR1. The direct interaction of Depdc5 with RagA Co-corresponding author. (Z.Y.), (D.M.S.), Tel: 571-209-4353 (Z.Y.); 617-258-6407 (D.M.S.), Fax: 617-452-3566 (D.M.S.). ‡Present address: Harvard Medical School, 200 Longwood Avenue, Boston, MA 02115, USA †These authors contribute equally to this work. Author contributions K.S. and D.M.S. initiated the project. K.S. purified the proteins and performed the biochemical characterization with input from K.J.C., M.L.V., L.C., A.B., and A.C. R.K.H., C.H., and Z.Y. determined the EM density maps for GATOR1 and GATOR1-Rag GTPases. K.S. and E.J.B. built the structural model. K.S., R.K.H., E.J.B., Z.Y., and D.M.S. wrote and edited the manuscript. The authors declare no competing financial interests. HHS Public Access Author manuscript Nature. Author manuscript; available in PMC 2018 October 05. Published in final edited form as: Nature. 2018 April 05; 556(7699): 64–69. doi:10.1038/nature26158. A uhor M anscript