Key Factors Associated With Pulmonary Sequelae in the Follow-Up of Critically Ill COVID-19 Patients
Jessica González,Jordi de Batlle,Iván D Benítez,Gerard Torres,Sally Santisteve,Adriano D S Targa,Clara Gort-Paniello,Anna Moncusí-Moix,Maria Aguilà,Fatty Seck,Adrián Ceccato,Ricard Ferrer,Anna Motos,Jordi Riera,Laia Fernández,Rosario Menéndez,José Ángel Lorente,Oscar Peñuelas,Dario Garcia-Gasulla,Yhivian Peñasco,Pilar Ricart,Elena Abril Palomares,Luciano Aguilera,Alejandro Rodríguez,Maria Victoria Boado Varela,Belén Beteré,Juan Carlos Pozo-Laderas,Jordi Solé-Violan,Inmaculada Salvador-Adell,Mariana Andrea Novo,José Barberán,Rosario Amaya Villar,José Garnacho-Montero,José M Gómez,Aaron Blandino Ortiz,Luis Tamayo Lomas,Alejandro Úbeda,Mercedes Catalán-González,Angel Sánchez-Miralles,Ignacio Martínez Varela,Ruth Noemí Jorge García,Nieves Franco,Víctor D Gumucio-Sanguino,Elena Bustamante-Munguira,Luis Jorge Valdivia,Jesús Caballero,Elena Gallego,Covadonga Rodríguez,Álvaro Castellanos-Ortega,Josep Trenado,Judith Marin-Corral,Guillermo M Albaiceta,Maria Del Carmen de la Torre,Ana Loza-Vázquez,Pablo Vidal,Jose M Añón,Cristina Carbajales Pérez,Victor Sagredo,Nieves Carbonell,Lorenzo Socias,Carme Barberà,Angel Estella,Emili Diaz,David de Gonzalo-Calvo,Antoni Torres,Ferran Barbé,CIBERESUCICOVID Project,María Aguilar Cabello,Victoria Alcaraz-Serrano,Cesar Aldecoa,Cynthia Alegre,Ángela Algaba Calderón,Sergio Álvarez,Antonio Álvarez Ruiz,Ruth Andrea,Maria de Alba Aparicio,Marta Arrieta,J Ignacio Ayestarán,Joan Ramon Badia,Mariona Badía,Orville Báez Pravia,Ana Balan Mariño,Begoña Balsera,Laura Barbena,Enric Barbeta,Tommaso Bardi,Patricia Barral Segade,Marta Barroso,José Ángel Berezo García,Jesus Bermejo,Judit Bigas,Rafael Blancas,María Luisa Blasco Cortés,María Bodi Saera,Neus Bofill,María Teresa Bouza Vieiro,Leticia Bueno,Juan Bustamante-Munguira,Cecilia Del Busto Martínez,David Campi Hermoso,Sandra Campos Fernández,Iosune Cano,Joan Canseco,Pablo Cardinal Fernández,Laura Carrión García,Sulamita Carvalho,Manuel Castellà,Andrea Castellví,Pedro Castro,María José Centelles-Serrano,Ramon Cicuendez Ávila,Catia Cillóniz,Luisa Clar,Cristina Climent,Jordi Codina,Pamela Conde,Sofía Contreras,Raul de Frutos Parra,Raul de Pablo Sánchez,Diego De Mendoza,Yolanda Díaz,María Digna Rivas Vilas,Cristina Dólera Moreno,Irene Dot,Pedro Enríquez Giraudo,Inés Esmorís Arijón,Teresa Farre Monjo,Javier Fernández,Carlos Ferrando,Albert Figueras,Lorena Forcelledo Espina,Enric Franquesa,Àngels Furro,Albert Gabarrus,Cristóbal Galbán,Felipe García,Beatriz García,Emilio García Prieto,Carlos García Redruello,Amaia García Sagastume,Maria Luisa Gascón Castillo,Gemma Gomà,Vanesa Gómez Casal,Silvia Gómez,Carmen Gómez Gonzalez,Federico Gordo,Maria Pilar Gracia,María José Gutierrez Fernández,Alba Herraiz,Rubén Herrán-Monge,Mercedes Ibarz,Silvia Iglesias,Maria Teresa Janer,Gabriel Jiménez,Mar Juan Díaz,Karsa Kiarostami,Juan I Lazo Álvarez,Miguel León,Alexandre López-Gavín,Desiree Macias Guerrero,Nuria Mamolar Herrera,Rafael Mañez Mendiluce,Cecilia L Mantellini,Gregorio Marco Naya,Iris Marco Barcos,Pilar Marcos,Enrique Marmol Peis,Marta Martín Cuadrado,María Cruz Martin Delgado,Paula Martín Vicente,María Martínez,Carmen Eulalia Martínez Fernández,Maria Dolores Martínez Juan,Basilisa Martínez Palacios,Juan Fernando Masa Jimenez,Joan Ramon Masclans,Emilio Maseda,Eva María Menor Fernández,Priscila Metora Banderas,Olga Minguez,Mar Miralbés,Josman Monclou,Juan Carlos Montejo-González,Neus Montserrat,María Mora Aznar,Dulce Morales,Sara Guadalupe Moreno Cano,David Mosquera Rodríguez,Rosana Muñoz-Bermúdez,José María Nicolás,Ramon Nogue Bou,Rafaela Nogueras Salinas,Marta Ocón,Ana Ortega,Sergio Ossa,Pablo Pagliarani,Francisco Parrilla,José Pedregosa-Díaz,Leire Pérez Bastida,Purificación Pérez,Felipe Pérez-García,Gloria Pérez Planelles,Eva Pérez Rubio,David Pestaña Laguna,Javier Prados,Andrés Pujol,Núria Ramon Coll,Gloria Renedo Sanchez-Giron,Ferran Roche-Campo,Laura Rodriguez,Felipe Rodríguez de Castro,Silvia Rodríguez,Covadonga Rodríguez Ruiz,Jorge Rubio,Alberto Rubio López,Ángela Leonor Ruiz-García,Miriam Ruiz Miralles,Pablo Ryan Murúa,Eva Saborido Paz,Ana Salazar Degracia,Miguel Sanchez,Ana Sánchez,Susana Sancho Chinesta,Bitor Santacoloma,Maria Teresa Sariñena,Marta Segura Pensado,Lidia Serra,Mireia Serra-Fortuny,Ainhoa Serrano Lázaro,Lluís Servià,Laura Soliva,Carla Speziale,Adrián Tormos,Mateu Torres,Celia Tranque-Liberal,Sandra Trefler,Javier Trujillano,Rafaela Vaca,Estela Val,Luis Valdivia Ruiz,Montserrat Vallverdú,Maria Van der Hofstadt Martin-Montalvo,Sabela Vara Adrio,Nil Vázquez,Javier Vengoechea,Clara Vilà-Vilardel,Judit Vilanova,Tatiana Villada Warrington,Hua Yang,Minlan Yang,Ana Zapatero
Abstract:Introduction: Critical COVID-19 survivors have a high risk of respiratory sequelae. Therefore, we aimed to identify key factors associated with altered lung function and CT scan abnormalities at a follow-up visit in a cohort of critical COVID-19 survivors. Methods: Multicenter ambispective observational study in 52 Spanish intensive care units. Up to 1327 PCR-confirmed critical COVID-19 patients had sociodemographic, anthropometric, comorbidity and lifestyle characteristics collected at hospital admission; clinical and biological parameters throughout hospital stay; and, lung function and CT scan at a follow-up visit. Results: The median [p25-p75] time from discharge to follow-up was 3.57 [2.77-4.92] months. Median age was 60 [53-67] years, 27.8% women. The mean (SD) percentage of predicted diffusing lung capacity for carbon monoxide (DLCO) at follow-up was 72.02 (18.33)% predicted, with 66% of patients having DLCO<80% and 24% having DLCO<60%. CT scan showed persistent pulmonary infiltrates, fibrotic lesions, and emphysema in 33%, 25% and 6% of patients, respectively. Key variables associated with DLCO<60% were chronic lung disease (CLD) (OR: 1.86 (1.18-2.92)), duration of invasive mechanical ventilation (IMV) (OR: 1.56 (1.37-1.77)), age (OR [per-1-SD] (95%CI): 1.39 (1.18-1.63)), urea (OR: 1.16 (0.97-1.39)) and estimated glomerular filtration rate at ICU admission (OR: 0.88 (0.73-1.06)). Bacterial pneumonia (1.62 (1.11-2.35)) and duration of ventilation (NIMV (1.23 (1.06-1.42), IMV (1.21 (1.01-1.45)) and prone positioning (1.17 (0.98-1.39)) were associated with fibrotic lesions. Conclusion: Age and CLD, reflecting patients' baseline vulnerability, and markers of COVID-19 severity, such as duration of IMV and renal failure, were key factors associated with impaired DLCO and CT abnormalities.