Near-Intrinsic Photo- and Electroluminescence from Single-Walled Carbon Nanotube Thin Films on BCB-Passivated Surfaces
Nicolas F. Zorn,Simon Settele,Shen Zhao,Sebastian Lindenthal,Abdurrahman Ali El Yumin,Tim Wedl,Han Li,Benjamin S. Flavel,Alexander Högele,Jana Zaumseil
Abstract:Their outstanding electrical and optical properties make semiconducting single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWCNTs) highly suitable for charge transport and emissive layers in near-infrared optoelectronic devices. However, the luminescence spectra of SWCNT thin films on commonly used glass and Si/SiO2 substrates are often compromised by broadening of the main excitonic emission and unwanted low-energy sidebands. Surface passivation with a commercially available, low dielectric constant, cross-linked bis-benzocyclobutene-based polymer (BCB) enhances the emission properties of SWCNTs to the same level as hexagonal boron nitride (h-BN) flakes do. The presence of BCB suppresses sideband emission, especially from the Y1 band, which is attributed to defects introduced by the interaction of the nanotube lattice with oxygen-containing terminal groups of the substrate surface. The facile and reproducible deposition of homogeneous BCB films over large areas combined with their resistance against common solvents and chemicals employed during photolithography make them compatible with standard semiconductor device fabrication. Utilizing this approach, light-emitting (6,5) SWCNT network field-effect transistors are fabricated on BCB-treated glass substrates with excellent electrical characteristics and near-intrinsic electroluminescence. Hence, passivation with BCB is proposed as a standard treatment for substrates used for spectroscopic investigations of and optoelectronic devices with SWCNTs and other low-dimensional emitters.
Applied Physics,Materials Science