Floer Homology with DG Coefficients. Applications to cotangent bundles
Jean-François Barraud,Mihai Damian,Vincent Humilière,Alexandru Oancea
Abstract:We define Hamiltonian Floer homology with differential graded (DG) local coefficients for symplectically aspherical manifolds. The differential of the underlying complex involves chain representatives of the fundamental classes of the moduli spaces of Floer trajectories of arbitrary dimension. This setup allows in particular to define and compute Floer homology with coefficients in chains on fibers of fibrations over the free loop space of the underlying symplectic manifold. We develop the DG Floer toolset, including continuation maps and homotopies, and we also define and study symplectic homology groups with DG local coefficients. We define spectral invariants and establish general criteria for almost existence of contractible periodic orbits on regular energy levels of Hamiltonian systems inside Liouville domains.
In the case of cotangent bundles, we prove a Viterbo isomorphism theorem with DG local coefficients. This serves as a stepping stone for applications to the almost existence of contractible closed characteristics on closed smooth hypersurfaces. In this context, our methods allow to access for the first time the dichotomy between closed manifolds that are aspherical and those that are not.
Symplectic Geometry,Algebraic Topology,Differential Geometry