Survival Strategy Restaurant Business during the Covid-19 Pandemic
I Gusti Nyoman Wiantara,
International Journal of Current Science Research and Review
Abstract:The occurrence of the Covid-19 pandemic forced the entire community to adjust itself by implementing a new order of life known as the “new normal” in every activity. Likewise, restaurant businesses are not immune from the impact of the Covid- 19 pandemics, so adjustments must be made so that restaurants can continue to operate and customer health and safety-related to Covid-19 can be carried out properly and correctly. To increase the sales volume of its products, it can do several things, including Lower Menu Prices, Give Special Discounts, Create More Durable Food Packaging, Prepare Food Delivery, Restaurant Business Starts Switching to Use Technology, Communication Between Businesses & Customers, Perform Marketing Plans and Pay Attention to Current Culinary Trends. Meanwhile, to make the restaurant operational cost-efficient, several strategies can be carried out, including Designing Cost Control Measure (CCM), re-identifying budgeting short-term and long-term, prioritizing cash flow safe and stable, reorganizing or redesigning the largest expenditure, and planning a more efficient division of labor fair and impartial. Furthermore, to guarantee customer safety from being exposed to Covid-19, restaurants can do the following: Communicate Safety and sanitation measures clearly and consistently, Avoid self-served dishes, Advice to maintain distance, Make strict rules regarding the use of masks on staff and diners, Offers waiting list and online pre-order facilities, Continues to offer no-contact options, Competes aggressively with retail options, Offers packaged dining options in the long term, Performs clear and systematic cleaning.