Hypoxic/normoxic preconditioning increases endothelial differentiation potential of human bone marrow CD133+ cells.
Leelee Ong,Wenzhong Li,Jana Kristina Oldigs,A. Kaminski,B. Gerstmayer,C. Piechaczek,W. Wagner,Ren-Ke Li,N. Ma,Prof. Dr. med. Gustav Steinhoff
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1089/ten.TEC.2009.0641
Abstract:CD133+ cells are hemangioblasts that have capacity to generate into both hematopoietic and endothelial cells (ECs). Hypoxia/normoxia has shown to be the regulator of the balance between stemness and differentiation. In this study we performed Agilent's whole human genome oligo microarray analysis and examined the differentiation potential of the bone-marrow-derived CD133+ cells after hypoxic/normoxic preconditioning of CD133+ cells. Results showed that there was no significant increase in erythroid colony forming unit (CFU-E) and CFU-granulocyte, erythrocyte, monocyte, and megakaryocyte formation with cells treated under hypoxia/normoxia. However, a significant increment of EC forming unit at 24 h (143.2 +/- 8.0%) compared to 0 h (100 +/- 11.4%) was observed in CFU-EC analysis. Reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction and immunostaining analysis showed that the differentiated cells diminished hematopoietic stem cell surface markers and acquired the gene markers and functional phenotype of ECs. The transcriptome profile revealed a cluster of 232 downregulated and 498 upregulated genes in cells treated for 24 h under hypoxia. The upregulated genes include angiogenic genes, angiogenic growth factor genes, angiogenic cytokine and chemokine genes, as well as angiogenic-positive regulatory genes, including FGFBP1, PDGFB, CCL15, CXCL12, CXCL6, IL-6, PTN, EREG, ERBB2, EDG5, FGF3, FHF2, GDF15, JUN, L1CAM, NRG1, NGFR, and PDGFB. On the other hand, angiogenesis inhibitors and related genes, including IL12A, MLLT7, STAB1, and TIMP2, are downregulated. Taken together, hypoxic/normoxic preconditioning may lead to the differentiation of CD133+ cells toward endothelial lineage, which may improve the current clinical trial studies.