Author Correction: Loss of Function of NCOR1 and NCOR2 Impairs Memory Through a Novel GABAergic Hypothalamus–ca3 Projection
Wenjun Zhou,Yanlin He,Atteeq U. Rehman,Yan Kong,Sungguan Hong,Guolian Ding,Hari Krishna Yalamanchili,Ying-Wooi Wan,Basil Paul,Chuhan Wang,Yingyun Gong,Wenxian Zhou,Hao Liu,John Dean,Emmanuel Scalais,Mary O’Driscoll,Jenny E. V. Morton,Xinguo Hou,Qi Wu,Qingchun Tong,Zhandong Liu,Pengfei Liu,Yong Xu,Zheng Sun
Abstract:In the version of this article initially published, the Acknowledgements erroneously included a grant number that did not directly support the work in the article. The last sentence of the Acknowledgments should have read, “The authors’ laboratories were supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China grants 31671222 and 31571556 (G.D.), a Taishan Scholarship (X.H.), the American Diabetes Association (ADA1–17-PDF-138) (Y.H.), the US Department of Agriculture (USDA) Cris6250-51000-059-04S (Y.X.), National Institutes of Health grants R01DK101379, R01DK117281, P01DK113954, R01DK115761 (Y.X.), the American Heart Association grant AHA30970064 (Z.S.), and grants R21CA215591 and R01ES027544 (Z.S.).” The error has been corrected in the HTML and PDF versions of the article.