Game-Based Backstepping Design for Strict-Feedback Nonlinear Multi-Agent Systems Based on Reinforcement Learning

Jia Long,Dengxiu Yu,Guoxing Wen,Li Li,Zhen Wang,C L Philip Chen
Abstract:In this article, the game-based backstepping control method is proposed for the high-order nonlinear multi-agent system with unknown dynamic and input saturation. Reinforcement learning (RL) is employed to get the saddle point solution of the tracking game between each agent and the reference signal for achieving robust control. Specifically, the approximate optimal solution of the established Hamilton-Jacobi-Isaacs (HJI) equation is obtained by policy iteration for each subsystem, and the single network adaptive critic (SNAC) architecture is used to reduce the computational burden. In addition, based on the separation operation of the error term from the derivative of the value function, we achieve the different proportions of the two agents in the game to realize the regulation of the final equilibrium point. Different from the general use of the neural network for system identification, the unknown nonlinear dynamic term is approximated based on the state difference obtained by the command filter. Furthermore, a sufficient condition is established to guarantee that the whole system and each subsystem included are uniformly ultimately bounded. Finally, simulation results are given to show the effectiveness of the proposed method.
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