Psychometric analysis and construct validation of Health Professional Education in Patient Safety Survey in the Indian context

Laxmitej Wundavalli,Mansoor Hussain,Anant Gupta,Sanjay Kumar Arya
Abstract:Background Improving patient safety (PS) is critical to optimizing healthcare delivery. There is a need to develop curricula or incorporate PS concepts in health professionals' (HPs) education, in both theoretical and practical training. Consequently, there is a need to measure the perception of HPs regarding various PS competencies imparted to them during their training. The Health Professional Education in Patient Safety Survey (H-PEPSS) is a tool that measures HPs' self-reported PS competence and was designed to reflect six sociocultural areas central to PS. The tool has been validated in Canada but not in India. We did a confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) and psychometric validation of the H-PEPSS in the Indian context. Methods The sample comprised 240 HPs. We used the maximum likelihood estimation method on AMOS V20 (SPSS Inc.) to carry out a CFA of the tool. We used the normed fit index, Tucker-Lewis index, comparative fit index, standard root mean square residual, root mean square residual and root mean square error of approximation to evaluate the model fit. Internal consistency and reliability of the six factors of the model were examined using Cronbach's alpha. Convergent validity of the model was examined using average variance extracted and composite reliability. Discriminant validity was examined using the Fornell and Larcker criterion and the heterotrait-monotrait method. Results The results indicate a good fit. The H-PEPSS was found to be reliable and valid for assessing PS competencies among HPs. Comparison of the results with the results of the Canadian setting confirmed external validity. Conclusion The 16-item H-PEPSS has good psychometric properties for use in the Indian context. The 23-item HPEPSS was found to be reliable and valid for assessing PS.
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