Analysis of environmental sustainability of e-waste in developing countries - a case study from Pakistan

Rizwan Rasheed,Asfra Rizwan,Hajra Javed,Faiza Sharif,Abdullah Yasar,Amtul Bari Tabinda,Yusra Mahfooz,Sajid Rashid Ahmed,Yuehong Su
Abstract:The electronic waste generation rate is increasing drastically at a rate of 3 to 5% per year in developing countries. The aim of this study is to analyze the environmental sustainability and economic benefits of such e-waste management in the developing economies like Pakistan. The life cycle assessment (LCA) method has been employed for streamlined impact analysis of the end-of-life processing of e-waste focusing mainly on laptop computers and liquid crystal display (LCD) desktop computers in Pakistan. The method of cumulative exergy extraction from the natural environment (CEENE) has also been deployed for the relative assessment of resources' consumption of e-waste recycling versus landfilling scenario. The determined impact scores are 1.79E + 03 kg CO2 eq., 7.19E-07 kg CFC-11 eq., 1.02E + 03 kg 1,4-DCB, 7.13E + 01 kg 1,4-DCB, and 3.41E-03 kg Cu eq. in climate change potential, stratospheric ozone depletion, ecotoxicity potential, human noncarcinogenic potential, and mineral resource depletion impact categories, respectively. The results of CEENE analysis reveal that approximately 80% of the impact on natural resources is reduced by the efficient recycling of e-waste. The comparative assessment of respective scores for current and target material weight recovery (MWR) indicators represented that by increasing the MWR indicator by 33.8% for laptop computers and by 27.2% for LCD computers, the country will achieve an annual economic benefit of US $191.56 million. This is greatly significant for a transitional shift towards e-waste revalorization while realizing the objectives of sustainable resource consumption. Innovative improvement measures ensuring economically feasible, energy-efficient, and environment friendly waste collection, treatment, and recycling practices present an invaluable opportunity for developing countries.
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