Radioisotope therapy and clinical trial design: the need for consensus and innovation.
A. Mcewan
Journal of Nuclear Medicine
Abstract:Radioisotope therapy (RIT) is one of the oldest interventions in nuclear medicine. Radioiodine has been used to treat thyrotoxicosis since 1941 (1), and 89Sr was first reported as an effective palliative treatment in patients with painful bone metastases in 1942 (2). Yet despite this long history, RIT has not achieved widespread use in the larger oncologic community, nor, with the exception of radioiodine therapy for thyroid cancer, is it routinely available in most departments of nuclear medicine. Many of the newer therapeutic radiopharmaceuticals have required much time to get to market. Regulatory issues with respect to trial design, dosimetry, and endpoints remain unresolved. The reasons for this state of affairs are complex; they include (inaccurate) perceptions of expense and complexity, radiopharmaceutical trial design issues, limited phase III and IV clinical trial data, and nuclear medicine departments that are often ill equipped to provide therapeutic rather than diagnostic services. RIT is typically given as a single intervention, in contradistinction to other forms of radiation therapy; only recently have the benefits of fractionation of low-dose-rate RIT been shown in terms of both palliating symptoms and stabilizing metastatic disease. These preliminary data allow the initiation of clinical trials to evaluate whether multiple fractions are less toxic and more effective than single large administrations. RIT is also usually administered as a monotherapy; increasingly, cancer treatment is administered as combination therapy, and data are now accumulating to show that additional interventions with radiotherapy or chemotherapy can enhance the effectiveness of RIT. 89Sr provides a good example of many of the perceived difficulties of RIT. After an initial rapid expansion of clinical use in the early 1990s, referrals have now contracted in most centers to discouragingly low volumes, although, increasingly, the literature has reported the effectiveness of bone pain palliation with radiopharmaceuticals (3,4). The indications for the use of Metastron (Amersham Health, Princeton, NJ) and Quadramet (Berlex Laboratories Inc., Montville, NJ) in patients with cancer metastatic to bone are well established and described in the literature (5). Indications for treatment include positive findings on bone scans, a projected survival of 3 mo, a Karnofsky score of 60 (6), and an adequate blood count. Treatment has also been shown to be effective as an adjunct to external-beam radiotherapy and in delaying the progression of painful metastatic sites (7). Yet in many centers, referrals are made in the last month or two of a patient’s life, when Karnofsky scores are low and blood counts are falling. Treatment is often administered at the end of all other standard and experimental therapies. It is little wonder that our oncologic colleagues perceive this therapy as ineffective (8). The centers in which radiopharmaceutical pain palliation is most effective are those where joint clinics with oncologists have been established and where clinical involvement is high (9). The article by Sciuto et al. (10) in this issue of The Journal of Nuclear Medicine makes an important contribution to the nuclear medicine community and to the practice of RIT. The article not only explores the use of adjuvant chemotherapy with RIT but also shows the benefit of a rigorous clinical trial methodology with clearly defined criteria for entry into the protocol and for evaluating response (11–14). The large series of patients builds on data previously reported by this group, exploring the way in which the effectiveness of pain palliation with 89Sr can be enhanced (15,16). The clear benefit shown in the patients receiving adjuvant chemotherapy is a wake-up call to the nuclear medicine community to expand and enhance its expectations about RIT and to apply the same aspirations and expectations to this treatment as are applied to other cancer treatments. The article (10) is timely in that it confirms the data of Tu et al. (17), who, in a trial comparing 89Sr plus doxorubicin with doxorubicin alone after induction chemotherapy, showed that median survival was 13 mo longer for patients who received 89Sr plus doxorubicin than for patients who received doxorubicin alone. This latter well-designed, appropriately controlled trial showed palliative benefit and an apparent significant survival advantage. It is important to recognize that this group of patients was also pretreated with chemotherapy. The article by Sciuto et al. (10), taken in conjunction with that by Tu et al. (17), clearly shows that adding chemotherapy for selected patients can significantly enhance the effectiveness of 89Sr. These data are somewhat supported by Received Aug. 29, 2001; revision accepted Sep. 4, 2001. For correspondence or reprints contact: Alexander J.B. McEwan, MD, Department of Nuclear Medicine, Cross Cancer Institute, 11560 University Ave., Edmonton, Alberta, T6G 1Z2 Canada. E-mail: