The Occurrence of Strawberry Virus 1 Infecting Strawberry in Shandong Province, China.
Chengyong He,Dehang Gao,Lingjiao Fan,Tengfei Xu,Fei Xing,Shifang Li,Hongqing Wang
IF: 4.5
Plant Disease
Abstract:Strawberry (Fragaria × ananassa Duch.) is one of the most important horticultural plants worldwide with high economic and nutritional value. Strawberry associated virus 1 (SaV1) is a putative Cytorhabdovirus isolated from strawberry in Fujian province, China (Ding et al., 2019). Strawberry virus 1 (StrV-1) is another putative Cytorhabdovirus characterized from F. ananassa and F. vesca in Czech Republic (Fránová et al., 2019). The complete genomes of isolates of SaV1 and StrV-1 share 79 to 98% nucleotide (nt) identities. In August 2020, foliar chlorotic spots or streaks were observed in four strawberry cultivars (cv. Honeoye, Mibao, 8128 and All Star) in Yantai, Shandong province, China. To identify the associated viruses, symptomatic leaves from two plants of each cultivar (8 samples) were pooled for high-throughput sequencing (HTS). Total RNA was extracted from the composite sample and used for constructing a cDNA library after ribosomal RNA (rRNA)-depletion. Sequencing was carried out on Illumina Hiseq 4000 (Novogene, China). Raw reads were filtered, trimmed and de novo assembled as described previously (Grabherr et al., 2013; Zhou et al. 2020). The resulting contigs were screened by BLASTn and BLASTx against GenBank database. Subsequent analyses indicated the presence of strawberry vein banding virus, strawberry pallidosis associated virus and strawberry mottle virus in the analyzed sample, which had been reported previously in strawberry (Martin and Tzanetakis, 2013; Shi et al., 2018; Bhagwat et al., 2016). Besides, five contigs ranging from 266 to 6,057 nt were obtained. They shared 87 to 91% nt sequence identity with StrV-1 isolate B (GenBank accession no. MK211271). To confirm StrV-1 infection in the strawberry plants, total RNA was isolated from all eight samples using RNAprep Pure Plant Plus Kit (Tiangen, China). Reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) was conducted with two pairs of specific primers StrVp1 (Forward: 5'-CATTACTGAAGCATTCCGTG-3'/Reverse: 5'-AGATATCACGCACAGTGAC-3'), and StrVp2 (Forward: 5'-TTGCGCGAAGCGGATGTCCG-3'/Reverse: 5'-GGCTGCCAGAGCGTTGGATG-3'), targeting nt positions 70-1,231 and 7,825-9,348 of StrV-1 isolate B, respectively. Fragments with the expected sizes were amplified from two samples of cv. All Star. The amplicons were cloned, sequenced, and deposited in GenBank under accession no. MW419123-124 and MW645247-248. Both protein encoding sequences shared 91 to 92% and 80 to 84% nt identities with the corresponding sequences of StrV-1 isolate B and SaV1, respectively, indicating that the isolates from this study are genetic variants of StrV-1 and distantly related to SaV1. Crude sap was prepared by homogenizing leaf tissues of StrV-1 infected strawberry in 0.02 mol/L sodium phosphate buffer with 0.45% (w/v) sodium diethyldithiocarbamate thihydrate, then gently rubbed onto five healthy Nicotiana benthamiana plants. Neither the inoculated leaves nor the systemically infected leaves showed obvious symptoms seven days post inoculation. However, StrV-1 was detected by RT-PCR in all five N. benthamiana plants as described above. In addition, a survey of strawberry greenhouses was conducted in August 2020 and approximately 10% of plants in a 667 m2 greenhouse in Yantai had StrV-1-like symptoms. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first report of the occurrence of StrV-1 infecting strawberry in Shandong province, China. Our findings expand the geographic range and genetic diversity of StrV-1 and indicate it could be a potential virus threat to strawberry production in China.