Adaptation to Simulated Hypergravity in a Virtual Reality Throwing Task
Matti Pouke,Elmeri Uotila,Evan G. Center,Kalle G. Timperi,Alexis P. Chambers,Timo Ojala,Steven M. LaValle
ACM Transactions on Applied Perception
Abstract:According to previous research, humans are generally poor at adapting to earth-discrepant gravity, especially in Virtual Reality (VR), which cannot simulate the effects of gravity on the physical body. Most of the previous VR research on gravity adaptation has used perceptual or interception tasks, although adaptation to these tasks seems to be especially challenging compared to tasks with a more pronounced motor component. This paper describes the results of two between-subjects studies ( n = 60 and n = 42) that investigated adaptation to increased gravity simulated by an interactive VR experience. The experimental procedure was identical in both studies: In the adaptation phase, one group was trained to throw a ball at a target using Valve Index motion controllers in gravity that was simulated at five times of earth’s gravity (hypergravity group), whereas another group threw at a longer-distance target under normal gravity (normal gravity group) so that both groups had to exert the same amount of force when throwing (approximated manually in Study 1 and mathematically in Study 2). Then, in the measurement phase, both groups repeatedly threw a virtual ball at targets in normal gravity. In this phase, the trajectory of the ball was hidden at the moment of release so that the participants had to rely on their internal model of gravity to hit the targets rather than on visual feedback. Target distances were placed within the same range for both groups in the measurement phase. According to our preregistered hypotheses, we predicted that the hypergravity group would display worse overall throwing accuracy, and would specifically overshoot the target more often than the normal gravity group. Our experimental data supported both hypotheses in both studies. The findings indicate that training an interactive task in higher simulated gravity led participants in both studies to update their internal gravity models, and therefore, some adaptation to higher gravity did indeed occur. However, our exploratory analysis also indicates that the participants in the hypergravity group began to gradually regain their throwing accuracy throughout the course of the measurement phase.
computer science, software engineering