Hazardous waste treatment technologies
Jianmin Wang,Yujen Shih,Po Yen Wang,Yu Han Yu,Jenn Fang Su,Chin-Pao Huang
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1002/wer.1213
Abstract:This is a review of the literature published in 2018 on topics related to hazardous waste management in water, soils, sediments, and air. The review covers treatment technologies applying physical, chemical, and biological principles for contaminated water, soils, sediments, and air. PRACTITIONER POINTS: The management of waters, wastewaters, and soils contaminated by various hazardous chemicals including inorganic (e.g., oxyanions, salts, and heavy metals), organic (e.g., halogenated, pharmaceuticals and personal care products, pesticides, and persistent organic chemicals) was reviewed according to the technology applied, namely, physical, chemical and biological methods. Physical methods for the management of hazardous wastes including adsorption, coagulation (conventional and electrochemical), sand filtration, electrosorption (or CDI), electrodialysis, electrokinetics, membrane (RO, NF, MF), photocatalysis, photoelectrochemical oxidation, sonochemical, non-thermal plasma, supercritical fluid, electrochemical oxidation, and electrochemical reduction processes were reviewed. Chemical methods including ozone-based, hydrogen peroxide-based, persulfate-based, Fenton and Fenton-like, and potassium permanganate processes for the management of hazardous were reviewed. Biological methods such as aerobic, anaerobic, bioreactor, constructed wetlands, soil bioremediation and biofilter processes for the management of hazardous wastes, in mode of consortium and pure culture were reviewed.