Neurite-based white matter alterations in MAPT mutation carriers: A multi-shell diffusion MRI study in the ALLFTD consortium
Nick Corriveau-Lecavalier,Nirubol Tosakulwong,Timothy G Lesnick,Angela J Fought,Robert I Reid,Christopher G Schwarz,Matthew L Senjem,Clifford R Jack Jr,David T Jones,Prashanthi Vemuri,Rosa Rademakers,Eliana Marisa Ramos,Daniel H Geschwind,David S Knopman,Hugo Botha,Rodolfo Savica,Jonathan Graff-Radford,Vijay K Ramanan,Julie A Fields,Neill Graff-Radford,Zbigniew Wszolek,Leah K Forsberg,Ronald C Petersen,Hilary W Heuer,Adam L Boxer,Howard J Rosen,Bradley F Boeve,Kejal Kantarci,ALLFTD consortium
Abstract:We assessed white matter (WM) integrity in MAPT mutation carriers (16 asymptomatic, 5 symptomatic) compared to 31 non-carrier family controls using diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) (fractional anisotropy; FA, mean diffusivity; MD) and neurite orientation dispersion and density imaging (NODDI) (neurite density index; NDI, orientation and dispersion index; ODI). Linear mixed-effects models accounting for age and family relatedness revealed alterations across DTI and NODDI metrics in all mutation carriers and in symptomatic carriers, with the most significant differences involving fronto-temporal WM tracts. Asymptomatic carriers showed higher entorhinal MD and lower cingulum FA and patterns of higher ODI mostly involving temporal areas and long association and projections fibers. Regression models between estimated time to or time from disease and DTI and NODDI metrics in key regions (amygdala, cingulum, entorhinal, inferior temporal, uncinate fasciculus) in all carriers showed increasing abnormalities with estimated time to or time from disease onset, with FA and NDI showing the strongest relationships. Neurite-based metrics, particularly ODI, appear to be particularly sensitive to early WM involvement in asymptomatic carriers.