Lactation Biology: Mechanisms Regulating Lactation and Mammary Function
J. Kay,E. C,Moore,D. Bauman,R. Rhoads,S. Sanders,A. Keating,L. Baumgard,Y. Jin,H. G. Lee,J. A. Han,J. Li,K. H. Kim,K. N,Lee,Y. J. Kim,M. Song,Y. J. Choi
Abstract:The objective of this study was to evaluate the toxicological content of gandul forage in vitro and in vivo in wethers sheep, two stages were carried out, the rst one consisted in the in vitro evaluation of gandul forage, in which tannins ( colorimetric method of FolinDennis and saponines (level of color intensity, method of thin layer chromatography) were analyzed in four sampling sites (S1, S2, S3 and S4) dividing the plant in three vegetative strata in each site (bottom = EB, medium = EM, top = EA), and three different ages (young plants = PJ, medium = PM and mature = PA). The saponines analysis also was carried out in owers of the sites 2, 3 and 4 (FS2, FS3 and FS4). The second stage consisted in observe signs of toxicity in 20 sheep (18 kg BW) fed diets with different concentrations of gandul ( 0, 15, 30, 45 and 60 % of DM for T1, T2, T3, T4 and T5, respectively) and assigned to one of ve treatments in a completely randomized design and evaluated by GLM of SAS using ANOVA and tukey tests. Blood samples were collected to determine albumin and transaminases concentrations (aspartate aminotransferase = GOT, and alanine aminotransferase = GTP). Also, liver samples were collected to carry out a histological study, for which, ve wethers, one of each treatment were sacriced. The results indicated no toxicity. In the rst stage, the highest value of tannins (gTA equivalents) was for PM (12.52 ), followed by S1EB (11.86) and the lowest value for PJ (2.71), the average value (7.9) was below 8, which is considered a marginal value of toxicity . For saponines, the highest value was for S1EB and S1EM, otherwise, in FS4 and PJ, saponine presence was not observed. T5 obtained the highest serum albumin concentration (7.084 u/l). For GOT, T3 obtained the highest value (38.72 u/l) and the lowest value for T4 (25.4 u/l), likewise, for GTP, the highest value was obtained by T3 (61.7 units) and the lowest by T2 (21.1 units). In liver, all samples presented a normal histological organization. In the in vivo study, no toxicity was present; ADG, and feed intake were adequate for all treatments. Gandul forage did not present toxicity in in vivo and in vitro studies.