Multiplication tables and word-hyperbolicity in free products of semigroups, monoids, and groups
Carl-Fredrik Nyberg-Brodda
Abstract:This article studies the properties of word-hyperbolic semigroups and monoids, i.e. those having context-free multiplication tables with respect to a regular combing, as defined by Duncan & Gilman. In particular, the preservation of word-hyperbolicity under taking free products is considered. Under mild conditions on the semigroups involved, satisfied e.g. by monoids or regular semigroups, we prove that the semigroup free product of two word-hyperbolic semigroups is again word-hyperbolic. Analogously, with a mild condition on the uniqueness of representation for the identity element, satisfied e.g. by groups, we prove that the monoid free product of two word-hyperbolic monoids is word-hyperbolic. The methods are language-theoretically general, and apply equally well to semigroups, monoids, or groups with a $\mathbf{C}$-multiplication table, where $\mathbf{C}$ is any reversal-closed super-$\operatorname{AFL}$, in the sense of Greibach. In particular, we deduce that the free product of two groups with $\operatorname{ET0L}$ resp. indexed multiplication tables again has an $\operatorname{ET0L}$ resp. indexed multiplication table.
Group Theory,Rings and Algebras