Sun Lei,Fan Wenquan,Zhou Ligang,Zhu Hong
DOI: https://doi.org/10.11928/j.issn.1001-7410.2017.04.06
Abstract:Dental attrition and oral health (caries,ante mortrm tooth loss (AMTL),and enamel hypoplasia) were analyzed in human remains from Tianli cemetery,Xinzheng (ca.8th~5th century B.C.).The aim of this study was to reveal dietary structure and eating habits among the Tianli population and the Zhou Dynasty urban economy in Central China.Tianli cemetery of the Zhou Period is located in the Lihe Town,Xinzheng City,Henan Province and it is the great empire cemetery in good condition outside the Zheng-Han City Ruins.313 Zhou Tombs have been cleared in the cemetery,which age range is from the late West Zhou to the late Warring-States Period.Lots of human teeth unearthed in this cemetery were the important materials explored diet and eating habits in a population practicing dry land agriculture by bioarchaeologists.Only teeth with determined sex were examined.Sex and age at death were determined using standard methods.1302 teeth belong to 80 human skeletons,which contains 51males (869 teeth) and 29 females (433 teeth).Dental attrition degree were recorded on a scale of 1 ~ 8,using the scoring system of Smith.Sex differences and the differences between upper and lower jaws in the same sex were analyzed with Mann-Whitney U test,using SPSS 19,with the level of significance set at P<0.05.Caries,ante mortrm tooth loss (AMTL),and enamel hypoplasia were observed.Sex differences in the same dental disease were analyzed with the Chi-squared (X2) test,with the level of significance set at P<0.05.Dental attrition on the upper anterior teeth (I1,I2,C) and posterior teeth (P2,M1) in males were heavier than on the lower.Conversely,dental attrition on the lower anterior teeth (I1,I2) and posterior teeth (M1,M2,M3) in females were heavier than on the upper.The differences of dental attrition between upper and lower jaws in the same sex were not significant.Dental attrition of every tooth type in females was heavier than in males.Sex difference of dental attrition was not significant.The dental attrition ratioes between the anterior and posterior teeth on the upper and lower jaw in Tianli group were larger among the Pre-Qin groups.There were signigicant differences about frequencies of teeth affected by enamel hypoplasia between males and females on the upper (P =0.0000) and lower (P =0.0132).The frequency of teeth affected by enamel hypoplasia in males was apparently higher than in females.The frequency of teeth affected by AMTL on the upper jaw in females was higher than in males.Only the frequency of anterior teeth affected by AMTL on the lower jaw in males was higher than in females.Caries usually occurred on premolars and molars of the maxillary and molars of the mandible in females.And caries were often present on premolars of the maxillary and molars of the mandible in males.The difference of frequencies on teeth affected by caries between males and females was not significant.Among hard food,brygmus,strong tooth brushing and carbonated drinks et al.,acidic foods is most closely related to dental attrition.There is also a closer relation of hard food to dental attrition.Chipping usually occurred on anterior teeth in Tianli group.Poor nutrition of teeth or enamel hypoplasia would decrease hardness of enamel and accelerate teeth wear.The Tianli bones for their abundances of the stable isotopes of carbon and nitrogen (carbon 13 and nitrogen 15) have not been analyzed so far,but the bones from other two cemeteries inside ancient Xinzheng City have been analyzed.Analysis results showed that the δ13C values of males and females were not significantly different and there was significant difference in their δ15N values.Stable isotope analysis using the other remaining human skeletal samples in Xinzheng suggested that males might have had slightly more meat than females.The frequencies of teeth affected by AMTL and caries of females were both just above the frequencies of males,which agreed well with heavier dental attrition in females than in males in Tianli group.The frequency of teeth affected by enamel hypoplasia in males was rather obviously higher than in females and enamel hypoplasia usually appeared in male anterior teeth.If enamel hypoplasia had decreased hardness of enamel,in which case chewing more meat compared with females would accelerate male teeth wear,particularly male anterior teeth wear.The results of this study indicate that males exhibited much greater frequency of enamel hypoplasia than females.In contrast females suffered more from caries,AMTL,and tooth wear than males.Heavy wear on the upper anterior teeth is remarkable when compared to other regions and other subsistence strategies in Pre-Qin China.Higher frequencies of oral health marker for females than males suggest that diet followed gender division,with more cereals in the diet of females.Stable isotope analyses from other human skeletal samples in Xinzheng suggest males might have had more access to meat than females.Furthermore,the much higher frequencies of enamel hypoplasia in males suggest that males (especially in childhood) generally were exposed to more stress than females.In addition,heavy wear on the anterior teeth at Tianli,especially in males may be related teeth reduced in strength by enamel hypoplasia,eating more meat compared with females,and/or frequent use of teeth as a third hand.