Assessing sex differences in behavioural flexibility in an endangered bird species: the Southern ground-hornbill (Bucorvus leadbeateri)
Samara Danel,Nancy Rebout,Lucy Kemp
Animal Cognition
Abstract:Since ecology influences the expression of cognitive traits, intra-specific variation in ecological demands can drive differences in cognition. This is often the case, for instance, when sexes face different ecological challenges. However, so far, most studies have focused on few cognitive domains (i.e., spatial cognition), which limits our understanding of the evolution of sexually dimorphic cognition in animals. Endangered Southern ground-hornbills ( Bucorvus leadbeateri ), for example, show sex-specific ecological differences in age at dispersal, where females disperse from their natal group earlier than males. Based on this potential sex-specific source of selection, females and males may differ in their capacity to behave flexibly. Here, we used the reversal-learning paradigm in ten Southern ground-hornbills in two conditions: spatial and colour. During the pre-test (learning phase), regardless the sex, all subjects were faster at associating the food reward with spatial rather than with colour cues. Similarly, during the test (reversal-learning phase), both sexes learned the new association quicker with spatial cues. There were no sex differences in learning or reversal learning during both experimental phases. This possibility, however, requires further observation and experimentation. We hope our study will provide the impetus to assess further the cognitive capacities of this still overlooked species.
zoology,behavioral sciences