Pagdidili-dili sa Pagtutumbas (Ilang mungkahing mga hakbangin sa Pagsasalin)

Marvin Reyes
Abstract:It can be told that translation entails thorough practice. From there we can make a basis out of accepting the meaning,culture and essence of language from another language. To respond to this meticulous process of translating and to follow the proper way of word equivalence, a process has been proposed. This was based on the scheme by Jhoanna Cruz (1994) with additional other procedures. These are the following; Textualization, Semantic/Linguistic Basis, Semiotic, Language Familiarization, Scrib(e)1 &2, Auralization1 &2/Evaluation and Final Translation. This procedure may guide a translator and how he can conceptualize principles in the art of word equivalence or translation. References LibroBassnett-McGuirre, Susan. (1980). Translation Studies. London: Sage Publications. Bautista, Cirilo. (1990) Breaking Signs: Lectures on Literature and Semiotics.Manila: Dela Salle University Press. Bayot, David Jonathan (1996) Isagani R. Cruz and The Other other Interventionin Philippine Kritika. Manila: De La Salle University Press. Hasim, Basil & Mason, Ian. (1997) The Translator as Communicator. New York:Routledge. Kristeva, J. (1986) Word, Dialogue and Novel in T. Moi (ed) The Kristeva Reader.Oxford: Blackwell. Medina, B.S Jr. (2000) Sa Ibang Salita. Manila: De La Salle University Press. Muschard, Jutta. (1996) Relevant Translations: History, Presentations, Criticism,Application. Berlin: Peter Lang. Newmark, Peter. (1981) Approaches to Translation. Oxford: Pergamon Press. ____________. (1995) A Textbook of Translation. New York: Phoenix, ELT. Nida, Eugene A. (1964) Towards A Science of Translating. Leiden: E.J. Brill. Retsker, Jakob. (1993). The Theory and Practice of Translation. In Translationas Social Action: Russian to Bulgarian Perspective. New York: Routledge. Cruz, Jhoanna. 1994. The Translator as Co-Creator: The Semiotic Method ofTranslation. LIKHA, Vol. 16, No.1, 1994-1995, pp.14-22. On-LineCornell, Saul. (1995) Splitting the Difference: Textualism, Contextualism andPost Modern History. The American Studies Journal. Vol.36, No. 1.pp.57-80. Retrieved from Fairclough, Norman. (1992) Discourse and Text: Linguistic and IntertextualAnalysis within Discourse Analysis. Discourse and Society.Vol.3, No.2.pp.193-217. Retrieved from Lemaster, Tracy. (2012) What is Intertextuality? Humanities. Retrieved Machida, Sayuki. (2011) Translation in Teaching a Foreign (Second) Language:A Methodological Perspective. Journal of Language Teaching and Research.Vol.2. No.4, pp. 740-746. Retrieved from Miaomiao, Wang. (2014) A Study on Semantic and Communicative Translationof Magical Things in Harry Potter. Canadian Academy of Oriental andOccidental Culture, Studies in Literature and Language. Vol.8, No.2,pp.26-31. Retrieved Sichel, Barb. (2009) Planning and Writing for Translation. Multilingual Writingfor Translation. October-November 2009, pp. 3-5. Retrieved from
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