Mr. Semiconductor academia of Taiwan: A interview with Dr. Chun-Yen Chang

B. Sheu
IEEE Circuits and Devices Magazine
Abstract:rofessor Chun-Yen Chang, currently president of National Chiao Tung University in Hsin-Chu City, as a very impressive record of contributions to the IEEE and the semiconductor industry in Taiwan. He was jointly advised by world-famous semiconductor researcher Dr. Simon Sze of Bell Laboratories during his graduate study, and he obtained the Ph.D. degree in electrical engineering from National Chiao Tung University in 1970 (he was the first recipient of an engineering Ph.D. degree in Taiwan). He served as chairman of the Electrical Engineering Department a t National Cheng Kung University in Tainan City from 1977-1987. In 1981, he was on sabbatical leave as a member of technical staff at Bell Laboratories in Murray Hill, working in the VLSI Device Group. He was avisi t i n g professor i n t h e Elec t r ica l Engineering Department at the University of Florida, Gainesville, in 1987 and at the University of Stuttgart, Germany, in 1989, where he taught graduate courses on molecular beam epitaxy (MBE) technologies and devices. Dr. Chang has provided consulting services to the Electronics Research & Service Organization (ERSO) at ITRI of Taiwan, Nippon Seiki Co. of Japan, and the United Microelectronics Corp. (UMC) on microelectronics physics and fabrication technologies including 111-V compound devices & materials using MBE, metal org a n i c chemica l vapor depos i t ion (MOCVD), and amorphous-silicon technologies. In 1966, he had one invention concerning the use of zinc for MOS surface stabilization. In 1970, he made fundamental contributions to carrier transport theory and specific contact resistivity in metal-semiconductor systems. In 1981, he contributed to low-pressure MOCVD using TEG as the gallium source to significantly improve crystal quality and carbon contamination; in 1986, to amorphous silicon phototransistors; and in 1987, to bipolar-unipolar t rans i t ion negative resistance transistors. He served as founding dean of the College of Electrical Engineer ing and Computer Sciences a t National Chiao Tung University during 1994-1995, and concurrently as president of National Nano-Device Laboratories from 1990 to 1997. Dr. Chang served as executive director of the Microelectronics & Information Systems Research Center at National Chiao Tung University during 1996-1998 and was elected to the university president position effective August 1, 1998. For recognition to his contribution to semiconductors in Taiwan, he was awarded the National Chair Professor honor in 1996. Dr. Chang is a member of Phi Tau Phi Honorary Society, the American Electro-Magnetics Academy, the Chinese Ins t i tute of Electrical Engineers, t h e
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