Disorder-Free Localization for Benchmarking Quantum Computers
Jad C. Halimeh,Uliana E. Khodaeva,Dmitry L. Kovrizhin,Roderich Moessner,Johannes Knolle
Abstract:Disorder-free localization (DFL) is a phenomenon as striking as it appears to be simple: a translationally invariant state evolving under a disorder-free Hamiltonian failing to thermalize. It is predicted to occur in a number of quantum systems exhibiting emergent or native \emph{local} symmetries. These include models of lattice gauge theories and, perhaps most simply, some two-component spin chains. Though well-established analytically for special soluble examples, numerical studies of generic systems have proven difficult. Moreover, the required local symmetries are a challenge for any experimental realization. Here, we show how a canonical model of DFL can be efficiently implemented on gate-based quantum computers, which relies on our efficient encoding of three-qubit gates. We show that the simultaneous observation of the absence of correlation spreading and tunable entanglement growth to a volume law provides an ideal testbed for benchmarking the capabilities of quantum computers. In particular, the availability of a soluble limit allows for a rigorous prediction of emergent localization length scales and tunable time scales for the volume law entanglement growth, which are ideal for testing capabilities of scalable quantum computers.
Quantum Physics,Quantum Gases,Statistical Mechanics,Strongly Correlated Electrons,High Energy Physics - Lattice