Determination of the $Σ^{+}$ Timelike Electromagnetic Form Factors
BESIII Collaboration,M. Ablikim,M. N. Achasov,P. Adlarson,X. C. Ai,R. Aliberti,A. Amoroso,M. R. An,Q. An,Y. Bai,O. Bakina,I. Balossino,Y. Ban,V. Batozskaya,K. Begzsuren,N. Berger,M. Berlowski,M. Bertani,D. Bettoni,F. Bianchi,E. Bianco,A. Bortone,I. Boyko,R. A. Briere,A. Brueggemann,H. Cai,X. Cai,A. Calcaterra,G. F. Cao,N. Cao,S. A. Cetin,J. F. Chang,T. T. Chang,W. L. Chang,G. R. Che,G. Chelkov,C. Chen,Chao Chen,G. Chen,H. S. Chen,M. L. Chen,S. J. Chen,S. M. Chen,T. Chen,X. R. Chen,X. T. Chen,Y. B. Chen,Y. Q. Chen,Z. J. Chen,W. S. Cheng,S. K. Choi,X. Chu,G. Cibinetto,S. C. Coen,F. Cossio,J. J. Cui,H. L. Dai,J. P. Dai,A. Dbeyssi,R. E. de Boer,D. Dedovich,Z. Y. Deng,A. Denig,I. Denysenko,M. Destefanis,F. De Mori,B. Ding,X. X. Ding,Y. Ding,Y. Ding,J. Dong,L. Y. Dong,M. Y. Dong,X. Dong,M. C. Du,S. X. Du,Z. H. Duan,P. Egorov,Y.H. Y. Fan,Y. L. Fan,J. Fang,S. S. Fang,W. X. Fang,Y. Fang,R. Farinelli,L. Fava,F. Feldbauer,G. Felici,C. Q. Feng,J. H. Feng,K Fischer,M. Fritsch,C. Fritzsch,C. D. Fu,J. L. Fu,Y. W. Fu,H. Gao,Y. N. Gao,Yang Gao,S. Garbolino,et al. (529 additional authors not shown)
Abstract:Based on data samples collected with the BESIII detector at the BEPCII collider, the process $e^{+}e^{-} \to \Sigma^{+}\bar{\Sigma}^{-}$ is studied at center-of-mass energies $\sqrt{s}$ = 2.3960, 2.6454, and 2.9000 GeV. Using a fully differential angular description of the final state particles, both the relative magnitude and phase information of the $\Sigma^{+}$ electromagnetic form factors in the timelike region are extracted. The relative phase between the electric and magnetic form factors is determined to be $\sin\Delta\Phi$ = -0.67~$\pm$~0.29~(stat)~$\pm$~0.18~(syst) at $\sqrt{s}$ = 2.3960 GeV, $\Delta\Phi$ = 55$^{\circ}$~$\pm$~19$^{\circ}$~(stat) $\pm$~14$^{\circ}$~(syst) at $\sqrt{s}$ = 2.6454 GeV, and 78$^{\circ}$~$\pm$~22$^{\circ}$~(stat) $\pm$~9$^{\circ}$~(syst) at $\sqrt{s}$ = 2.9000 GeV. For the first time, the phase of the hyperon electromagnetic form factors is explored in a wide range of four-momentum transfer. The evolution of the phase along with four-momentum transfer is an important input for understanding its asymptotic behavior and the dynamics of baryons.
High Energy Physics - Experiment