Optimized self‐attention based cycle‐consistent generative adversarial network adopted melanoma classification from dermoscopic images
P. Harini,N. Bindu Madhavi,S. Bhargavi Latha,A. N. Sasikumar
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1002/jemt.24506
Microscopy Research and Technique
Abstract:Among the family of skin cancer diseases, Melanoma skin cancer is the most serious and lethal condition. Modern scientific advancements and research approaches have made it feasible to more effectively detect this type of skin cancer. Even though, the segmentation of skin lesion is still a difficult task at initial stages owing to a larger degree of color similarity betwixt melanoma affected and non‐affected regions and less contrast among melanoma moles and skin portion Skin is the exposed part of the human body that constantly protected from UV rays, heat, light, dust, and other hazardous radiation. One of the most dangerous illnesses that affect people is skin cancer. A type of skin cancer called melanoma starts in the melanocytes, which regulate the colour in human skin. Reducing the fatality rate from skin cancer requires early detection and diagnosis of conditions like melanoma. In this article, a Self‐attention based cycle‐consistent generative adversarial network optimized with Archerfish Hunting Optimization Algorithm adopted Melanoma Classification (SACCGAN‐AHOA‐MC‐DI) from dermoscopic images is proposed. Primarily, the input Skin dermoscopic images are gathered via the dataset of ISIC 2019. Then, the input Skin dermoscopic images is pre‐processed using adjusted quick shift phase preserving dynamic range compression (AQSP‐DRC) for removing noise and increase the quality of Skin dermoscopic images. These pre‐processed images are fed to the piecewise fuzzy C‐means clustering (PF‐CMC) for ROI region segmentation. The segmented ROI region is supplied to the Hexadecimal Local Adaptive Binary Pattern (HLABP) to extract the Radiomic features, like Grayscale statistic features (standard deviation, mean, kurtosis, and skewness) together with Haralick Texture features (contrast, energy, entropy, homogeneity, and inverse different moments). The extracted features are fed to self‐attention based cycle‐consistent generative adversarial network (SACCGAN) which classifies the skin cancers as Melanocytic nevus, Basal cell carcinoma, Actinic Keratosis, Benign keratosis, Dermatofibroma, Vascular lesion, Squamous cell carcinoma and melanoma. In general, SACCGAN not adapt any optimization modes to define the ideal parameters to assure accurate classification of skin cancer. Hence, Archerfish Hunting Optimization Algorithm (AHOA) is considered to maximize the SACCGAN classifier, which categorizes the skin cancer accurately. The proposed method attains 23.01%, 14.96%, and 45.31% higher accuracy and 32.16%, 11.32%, and 24.56% lesser computational time evaluated to the existing methods, like melanoma prediction method for unbalanced data utilizing optimized Squeeze Net through bald eagle search optimization (CNN‐BES‐MC‐DI), hyper‐parameter optimized CNN depending on Grey wolf optimization algorithm (CNN‐GWOA‐MC‐DI), DEANN incited skin cancer finding depending on fuzzy c‐means clustering (DEANN‐MC‐DI). Research Highlights This manuscript, self‐attention based cycle‐consistent. SACCGAN‐AHOA‐MC‐DI method is implemented in Python. (SACCGAN‐AHOA‐MC‐DI) from dermoscopic images is proposed. Adjusted quick shift phase preserving dynamic range compression (AQSP‐DRC). Removing noise and increase the quality of Skin dermoscopic images.
biology,microscopy,anatomy & morphology