Experimental Determination oftheRespiration Associated with Soybean/Rhizobium Nitrogenase Function, Nodule Maintenance, andTotal Nodule Nitrogen Fixation' Received forpublication September 19,1983andinrevised formJanuary 16,1984

R. Rainbird,W. D. Hitz,F. Hardy
Abstract:Thetotal metabolic costofsoybean (Glycine maxL.MerClark) nodule nitrogen fixation wasempirically separated into respiration associated with electron flow through nitrogenase andrespiration associated with maintenance ofnodule function. Rates ofCO2evolution andH2evolution fromintact, nodulated root systems under Ar:02 atmospheres decreased inparallel whenplants were maintained inanextended darkperiod. While H2evolution approached zeroafter 36hours ofdarkness at22°C, CO2evolution rate remained at 380oftherate measured inlight. Oftheremaining CO2evolution, 62% wasestimated tooriginate fromthenodules andrepresents ameasure of nodule maintenance respiration. Thenodule maintenance requirement wastemperature dependent andwasestimated at79and137micromoles CO2(per gramdryweight nodule) perhourat22°Cand30°C, respectively. ThecostofN2fixation intermsofCO2evolved perelectron pair utilized bynitrogenase wasestimated fromtheslope ofH2evolution rate versus CO2evolution rate. Thecost was2moles CO2evolved permole H2evolved andwasindependent oftemperature. Inthis symbiosis, nodule maintenance consumed 22%oftotal respiratory energy while thefunctioning ofnitrogenase consumed afurther 52%.Theremaining respiratory energy wascalculated tobeassociated with ammonia assimilation, transport ofreduced N,andH2evolution. Theability oflegume/Rhizobium symbioses toreduce dinitrogenhasledtoalarge effort tounderstand processes regulating andaffecting theefficiency ofthis process (12, 15,18,24). Symbiotic N2fixation hasbeenshown tobesensitive tophotosynthate supply (7) andrelative efficiency ofnodule energy use (1,23), implicating nodule photosynthate availability asamajor factor limiting legume yields. Increased efficiency ofnodule photosynthate useandthus legume yields, might beachieved, asvariation inthis factor has beenshowntoexist between particular symbioses (11, 15)and within asymbiosis (19). Exploitation ofthis aspect ofnodule function might befacilitated byaccurately determining theallocation ofenergy between thevarious nodular reactions. These reactions canarbitrarily bedivided into thefollowing compo'Contribution No.3331fromtheCentral Research andDevelopment Department, Experimental Station, E.I.duPontdeNemours & Company. 2Visiting Scientist.
Biology,Environmental Science
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