Modal structure of high power thin-disk vortex laser under thermal effect

Tian-Hong Lian,Yi-Qun Dou,Lei Zhou,Yun Liu,Ke Kou,Ming-Xing Jiao,School of Mechanical and Precision Instrument Engineering, Xi'an University of Technology, Xi'an 710048, China
IF: 0.906
Acta Physica Sinica
Abstract:Author(s): Lian Tian-Hong, Dou Yi-Qun, Zhou Lei, Liu Yun, Kou Ke, Jiao Ming-Xing Optical vortex beam has wide applications in areas of optical communication, lidar detection and optical trapping. To increase the operating distance, a high-power vortex laser source is necessary in these applications. However, the purity of the output vortex beam decreases with the pump power increasing due to the thermal effect of the laser medium. Therefore, modal field degeneration induced by thermal effect of laser medium has become a key problem in high-power vortex solid-state laser. To investigate this modal field degeneration, the heat transfer and thermal deformation model of an annular beam end pumped thin-disk vortex laser (Fig. (a)) is established. The phase difference of the thermal effect is calculated based on this model. Then, the quadratic term is separated from the phase difference. The non-quadratic term, as a small perturbation, is substituted into the diffraction integral equation of the laser cavity. The modal field structure is obtained by using the perturbation method. The variations of the modal structure with pump power, absorption coefficient and crystal thickness are investigated for three kinds of laser crystals, i.e. Nd:YAG, Nd:YLF and Nd:YVO<sub<4< (b)="" (c)="" 0="" 0.35="" 0.44="" 0.61,="" 0.79="" 0.90,="" 0.97,="" 0.99,="" 1="" 1,="" 10="" 100="" 20="" 40="" 60="" a="" absorption="" also="" an="" and="" angular="" are="" as="" at="" becomes="" broadened="" broadening="" by="" coefficient="" coefficient,="" coefficients="" complex="" comprehensively="" consider="" contains="" crystal="" decrease="" design="" deviation="" different="" disk="" effect="" effect.="" field="" fig.="" figure="" for="" from="" has="" hence,="" high="" high-power="" higher-order="" ideal="" in="" increases="" increasing.="" indicate="" investigate="" is="" it="" larger="" largest="" laser="" laser,="" leads="" many="" mm.="" modal="" mode="" modes="" modes,="" more="" moreover,="" nd:yag="" nd:ylf="" nd:yvo<sub<4<="" necessary="" obvious="" of="" on="" operating="" optimize="" or="" order="" p="" power="" power,="" power.="" presents="" pump="" purity="" purity.="" radial="" ratio="" ratios="" respectively.="" results="" same="" show="" shows="" smaller="" smallest="" spectrum="" structure="" structures="" sub<="" sub<.="" that="" the="" thermal="" these="" thickness="" thin-disk="" to="" unchanged.="" under="" values="" values.="" variation="" vortex="" w="" w,="" we="" well. Acta Physica Sinica. 2024 73(16): 164206. Published 2024-08-20</sub<4<>
physics, multidisciplinary
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