On joint eigen-decomposition of matrices
Erik Troedsson,Daniel Falkowski,Carl-Fredrik Lidgren,Herwig Wendt,Marcus Carlsson
Abstract:The problem of approximate joint diagonalization of a collection of matrices arises in a number of diverse engineering and signal processing problems. This problem is usually cast as an optimization problem, and it is the main goal of this publication to provide a theoretical study of the corresponding cost-functional. As our main result, we prove that this functional tends to infinity in the vicinity of rank-deficient matrices with probability one, thereby proving that the optimization problem is well posed. Secondly, we provide unified expressions for its higher-order derivatives in multilinear form, and explicit expressions for the gradient and the Hessian of the functional in standard form, thereby opening for new improved numerical schemes for the solution of the joint diagonalization problem. A special section is devoted to the important case of self-adjoint matrices.
Numerical Analysis,Optimization and Control