Social support and therapeutic relationships intertwine to influence exercise behavior in people with sport-related knee injuries

Linda K. Truong,Amber D. Mosewich,Maxi Miciak,Justin M. Losciale,Linda C. Li,Jackie L. Whittaker,Linda K. TruongAmber D. MosewichMaxi MiciakJustin M. LoscialeLinda C. LiJackie L. Whittakera Department of Physical Therapy,Faculty of Medicine,University of British Columbia,Vancouver,Canadab Arthritis Research Canada,Vancouver,Canadac Faculty of Kinesiology,Sport,and Recreation,University of Alberta,Edmonton,Canadad College of Health Sciences,Faculty of Rehabilitation Medicine,University of Alberta,Edmonton,Canada
Physiotherapy Theory and Practice
Abstract:Objective Explore how social support influences exercise therapy participation and adherence before and after enrolling in an education and exercise therapy intervention (Stop OsteoARthritis, SOAR).
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