汽車內裝設計之視覺感性評價及知覺價值探討/An Investigation on the Automotive Interio with the Kansei Evaluation and Perceived Value Dimensions

李雅雪 Ya-Hsueh Lee,何俊亨 Chun-Heng Ho,梁靜謙 Ching-Chien Liang,陳國祥 Kuo-Hsiang Chen
Abstract:摘要 本研究以感性工學方法,探討汽車內裝設計影響駕駛者之意象感受,共分成「感性評價」與「知覺價值評價」二個實驗。實驗一為「感性評價」,邀請30位受測者,針對8個感性語彙進行評量,並以數量化I類方法統計出各個元素權重,結果顯示在「豪華的」、「有趣的」、「活潑的」、「動感的」、「精準的」、「科技的」感受上,皆是以「中控台造型」偏相關係數最高,類目得點為「觸控式螢幕」;「時尚的」感受以「冷氣出風口顏色」偏相關係數最高,類目得點為「銀框+銀扇葉」;「休閒的」感受,偏相關係數最高為「中控台與飾板搭配材質」,類目得點為「塑料+仿木_柚木」。實驗二為「知覺價值評價」,邀請60位受測者,訪談並評量影響四個知覺價值構面的程度,並以因素分析方法萃取出九個因素,其中「科技的」和「豪華的」、「活潑的」和「休閒的」感受,各有四個因素相同,顯示對內裝設計感受上的相同性。本研究最終成果,綜合探討在汽車內裝上,影響駕駛者意象感受的設計因素,期能提供相關領域設計師,使汽車內裝設計更符合使用者期待。 Abstract This study applied Kansei engineering to explore how car interior design affects drivers’ image perception. Two experiments were conducted to individually evaluate Kansei and perceived values. In Kansei evaluation, we recruited 30 participants to assess eight Kansei words and employed Quantification Theory Type I to obtain the weight of each design element. According to the results, the perceptions of “luxurious,” “interesting,” “lively,” “dynamic,” “precise,” and “technological” exhibited the highest partial correlation coefficients for “center console design,” with the category of “touchscreen” receiving the highest score; “stylish” had the highest partial correlation coefficient for “color of the air vent,” and the category of “silver frame + silver blades” obtained the highest score; and “leisure” demonstrated the highest partial correlation coefficient for “material of the center console and panel,” with the category of “plastic + imitation wood—teak” receiving the highest score. In the evaluation of perceived value, 60 participants were recruited and interviewed to measure the effects of design elements on the four dimensions of perceived value. Factor analysis was performed to extract nine factors. The outcomes show that the combination of “technological” and “luxurious” and that of “lively” and “leisure” both contained four factors, indicating commonalities in how the participants perceived interior design. Overall, the results of this study identified the car interior design elements that affect the image perception of drivers, providing a reference for designers in related fields to design car interiors that fulfil user expectations.
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