High Precision Automatic Measurement System Design for Instrument Posture Testing During Satellite Assembly
YANG Zaihua,SUN Gang,LONG Changyu,ZHANG Chunliu,YAN Rongxin
DOI: https://doi.org/10.3901/jme.2017.20.020
Journal of Mechanical Engineering
Abstract:In order to get high precision posture of some instruments during they are installed into high resolution observation satellite,a high precision automatic measurement system is designed,which mainly includes a double column gnideway system,a precision turntable,and an auto collimation theodolite assisted with CCD camera.A data fusion algorithm is proposed,in which the pitch angle,the horizontal angle of the theodolite and the rotation angle of the turntable are collected,and then the angles between noncoplanar lines are calculated.At the same time,the auto collimation theodolite can be compelled along the guide rail to a theoretical position and to be perpendicular to the cube mirror based on the design values of the instrument to be installed.In local region,the scene around the cube is captured by the CCD camera assisted with the theodilte,and the cube mirror is identified and the normal line of the cube mirror is calculated precisely,then the theodilte is precisely aligned.In test,a regular polyhedron with 17 faces is measured.The maximum difference between measurements and normal values is 4.1" and the stand deviation is 3.3".A satellite model with several cube mirrors is measured with the system,and each cube mirror is auto collimated in no time.The system has been used during the assembly of GF-2 satellite,and the Assembly accuracy is guaranteed.