[Surrogacy in Maternity. A Depersonalising Human Relationship Phenomenology]

Antonio Casciano
Abstract:Ethical and bioethical problems, which are typical of the practice of surrogate motherhood, refer to its protagonists: the couple that orders it, due to its demand to satisfy the desire of paternity and maternity and the promptness of having a female body to fulfill its aspirations; the expectant mother, and the physical and psychic repercussions coming from the role performed in the surrogacy contract, as well as the risks of manipulation and exploitation, related to her position; the baby and his right to grow counting on the certainty of his parental relationships and on the preservation of his emotional balance. The human and anthropological importance of these issues, along with the growing development of this practice in the world, has questioned our moral conscience. In this context, the expectant mother, the weakest and the most affected part among the parts involved in the surrogacy contract, demands a particular attention. In this sense, the aim of this work is to lead a phenomenological analysis of the different steps of the practice of surrogacy, from the first stage of collection and classification of the information referring to the candidates, to the stage of the insemination and of its consequences about to the private life of the expectant. On the other hand, this work tries to justify the existence of a parallelism, as for the exploitation of the female body, between the practice of surrogate motherhood and prostitution. Finally, the issue relating to the effective social emancipation of the surrogate women in poor countries, the real autonomy and the freedom of their decision, as well as the typical features of the desire of paternity of the ordering couple are dealt with. The carried out study has allowed to conclude that this practice always implies a degree of physical, psychic and moral exploitation of the expectant mother, which suggests its prohibition at global level.
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