Biological and clinical aspects of interleukin 6

Toshio Hirano, Shizuo Akira, Tetsuya Taga, Tadamitsu Kishimoto
Abstract:Interleukin 6 (iL-6) is a multi-functional cytokine that is produced by a range of cells and plays a central role in host defense mechanisms. Abnormal production of IL-6 has been suggested to be involved in glomerulonephfitis, plasmacytomagenesis and in the pathogenesis of autoimmune diseases. In this review, Toshio Hirano and colleagues discuss the possible involvement of IL-6 in a variety of diseases, the regulatory mechanism (s) of expression of the IL-6 gene and the structure and function of the IL-6 receptor..Interleukin 6 regulates immune responses, acute phase reactions and hemc;# oiesis, and may play a central role in host defense mechanisms T. 2. It was previously known as [32-interferon (IFN-132)~~, B-cell stimulatory factor 2 (BSF-2) 6. z. 26kDa protein 8, hybridomalplasrnacytoma growth factor (HPGF or IL-HPI) 9.~, hepatocyte stimulating factor (HSF).~ 2 and monocyte granulocyte inducer type 2 …
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