Autonomously Generating Operations Sequences for a Mars Rover Using Artificial Intelligence-Based Planning
D. Mutz,R. Sherwood,B. Cooper,T. Estlin,P. Backes,G. Rabideau,A. Mishkin,Steve Ankuo Chien,J. Norris,S. Maxwell,D. Tran
Abstract:This article discusses a proof-of-concept prototype for ground-based automatic generation of validated rover command sequences from high-level science and engineering activities. This prototype is based on ASPEN, the Automated Scheduling and Planning Environment. This artiflcial intelligence (AI)-based planning and scheduling system will automatically generate a command sequence that will execute within resource constraints and satisfy ∞ight rules. An automated planning and scheduling system encodes rover design knowledge and uses search and reasoning techniques to automatically generate low-level command sequences while respecting rover operability constraints, science and engineering preferences, environmental predictions, and also adhering to hard temporal constraints. This prototype planning system has been fleld-tested using the Rocky 7 rover at JPL and will be fleld-tested on more complex rovers to prove its efiectiveness before transferring the technology to ∞ight operations for an upcoming NASA mission. Enabling goaldriven commanding of planetary rovers greatly reduces the requirements for highly skilled rover engineering personnel. This in turn greatly reduces mission operations costs. In addition, goal-driven commanding permits a faster response to changes in rover state (e.g., faults) or science discoveries by removing the time-consuming manual sequence validation process, allowing rapid \what-if" analyses, and thus reducing overall cycle times.
Computer Science,Environmental Science,Engineering