Population pharmacokinetics study of simvastatin in hemodialysis patients
R. Hamish McAllister-Williams,Daniel Bertrand,Hans Rollema,Raymond S. Hurst,Linda P. Spear,Tim C. Kirkham,Thomas Steckler,Delphine Capdevielle,Jean-Philippe Boulenger,Delphine Capdevielle,Jean-Philippe Boulenger,Delphine Capdevielle,Jean-Philippe Boulenger,Cyril Höschl,Martine Cador,Ben J. Harrison,Christos Pantelis,Anthony Riley,Steve Kohut,Alex Hofer,Ben J. Harrison,Christos Pantelis,Seithikurippu R. Pandi-Perumal,D. Warren Spence,Shelby Freedman Harris,Michael J. Thorpy,Milton Kramer,Ian Stolerman,Holden D. Brown,Michael Ragozzino,Klaus A. Miczek,Anne Jackson,Sven Ove Ögren,Oliver Stiedl,Paul R. Pentel,Mark LeSage,Victoria L. Harvey,Tony Dickenson,Christine A. Franco,Marc N. Potenza,Gail Winger,Mei-Chuan Ko,James H. Woods,Matthew I. Palmatier,Rick A. Bevins,Stephan G. Anagnostaras,Jennifer R. Sage,Stephanie A. Carmack,Jos Prickaerts,Jos Prickaerts,Jos Prickaerts,Warren H. Meck,Catalin V. Buhushi,Christoph U. Correll,Ian Stolerman,Mohammed Shoaib,Trevor Robbins,Daniel Hoyer,Thomas Steckler,Linda P. Spear,Luzio Tremolizzo,Gessica Sala,Carlo Ferrarese,Seiya Miyamoto,Thomas Steckler,David S. Tait,Verity J. Brown,Richard A. Depue,Tara L. White,Craig A. Erickson,David J. Posey,Kelly Blankenship,Kimberly A. Stigler,Christopher J. McDougle,Craig A. Erickson,David J. Posey,Kelly Blankenship,Kimberly A. Stigler,Christopher J. McDougle,Ian Stolerman,Jean-Michel Scherrmann,S. Stevens Negus,Dana E. Selley,Laura J. Sim-Selley,Christoph Hiemke,Sophie Tambour,John C. Crabbe,Pierre Baumann,Kim Wolff,Christof Baltes,Thomas Mueggler,Markus Rudin,Alan J. Budney,Robert L. Balster,Sharon Walsh,Robert L. Balster,Sharon Walsh,Robert L. Balster,Sharon Walsh,Andrea Bari,Johannes Mosbacher,Paul Willner,Klaus A. Miczek,Trevor Robbins,Wolfgang Fleischhacker,Etienne Sibille,Nicole Edgar,Sabine M. Hölter,John F. Cryan,Michel Le Moal,Marco Leyton,Sara Tomlinson,Glen Baker,Bernard Le Foll,Naheed (Max) Mirza,Tomasz Schneider,Jos Prickaerts,Jos Prickaerts,Robert L. Balster,Sharon Walsh,Yogita Chudasama,Thomas Steckler,Thomas Steckler,Daniel Hoyer,Stan Floresco,Christine A. Franco,Marc Potenza,Fabrizio Benedetti,Peter Riederer,Siegfried Hoyer,Luzio Tremolizzo,Gessica Sala,Carlo Ferrarese,Luzio Tremolizzo,Gessica Sala,Carlo Ferrarese,Lucio Tremolizzo,Gessica Sala,Carlo Ferrarese,Arthur Christopoulos,Gregory D. Stewart,Patrick M. Sexton,Christoph Hiemke,Malcolm Lader,Stefan Leucht,Mark Slifstein,Linda P. Spear,Samuel G. Siris,Susan Jones,Peter Verheart,Per Svenningsson,Per Andrén,Seithikurippu R. Pandi-Perumal,Milton Kramer,Michael J. Thorpy,Shelby Freedman Harris,D. Warren Spence,John Atack,Hilde Lavreysen,Stephen C. Fowler,Harriet de Wit,Britta Hahn,Stephen C. Fowler,Helen Cassaday,Paul Willner,Darren R. Christensen,Warren K. Bickel,Michael Minzenberg,David Baldwin,C. Neill Epperson,C. Neill Epperson,Lawrence Scahill,I. T. Uzbay,Lisiane Bizarro,Bart Ellenbroek,Linda P. Spear,Patrick D. McGorry,Alison R. Yung,Mark A. Geyer,Johannes Mosbacher,Malcolm Lader,Angela Roberts,Celia Morgan,Valerie Curran,Christine A. Franco,Marc Potenza,Celia Morgan,Valerie Curran,Thomas Steckler,Harriet de Wit,Jill B. Becker,Mary Cain,Michael T. Bardo,Thomas Steckler,Trevor Robbins,Theodora Duka,Sam Hutton,C. Neill Epperson,Celia Morgan,Valerie Curran,Gail Winger,Mei-Chuan Ko,James H. Woods,Peter Verheart,Per Svenningsson,Per Andrén,Martin Cammarota,Lia R. Bevilaqua,Iván Izquierdo,Husseini Manji,Jorge Quiroz,Per E. Andrén,Peter Verhaert,Per Svenningsson,Joji Suzuki,Torsten Passie,Pedro E. Huertas,John Halpern,Etienne Sibille,Nicole Edgar,Gorkem Yararbas,Sakire Pogun,Giovanni Hernandez,Peter Shizgal,Ian Hindmarch,Ian Hindmarch,Grasielle C. Kincheski,Leandro J. Bertoglio,Antonio Padua Carobrez,R. Hamish McAllister-Williams,Wiepke Cahn,Heleen B. M. Boos,H. D. Postma,Gabriele Fischer,Annemarie Unger,Marcy J. Bubar,Kathryn A. Cunningham,Kathryn A. Cunningham,Marcy J. Bubar,Marie-Louise Wadenberg,Jos Prickaerts,Marc N. Branch,Jeffrey M. Witkin,James E. Barrett,Ivan Izquierdo,Lia Rejane M. Bevilaqua,Martin Cammarota
DOI: https://doi.org/10.3969/j.issn.1001-6821.2013.06.009
Abstract:Objective To investigate the population pharmacokinetic characteristics of simvastatin in hemodialysis patients and factors covariables that might impact its clearance.Methods The qualified maintenance hemodialysis patients took simvastatin 20 mg orally once and then 2-4 serum samples were collected at different time.The serum simvastatin concentration was measured with the method of HPLC-MS/MS and analysed with nonlinear mixed-effect model(NONMEM).The population pharmacokinetics parameters were compared with those of healthy volunteers in literatures.Results A total of 23 patients took simvastatin and contributed 95 serum samples.There were eleven male cases.The mean age was 60.48 years.NONMEM demonstrated that the data were fit for two-compartment model.Typical population estimates(95% confidence intervals) of CL1,CL2,V1,V2,Ka and Tlag were 663(375-951)L.h-1,197(42.7-351) L.h-1,119(32.2-206) L,1830(905 2760) L,0.59(0.37-0.82) h-1,0.49(0.48-0.50) h,respectively.Dialyzer,smoking,body mass index might impact the simvastatin clearance rate.The extrapolated pharmacokinetics parameters t 1 /2,C max,t max,AUC 0→t were(6.83 ± 10.79) h,(12.25 ± 8.35) μg.L-1,(0.90 ± 0.27) h,(30.80 ± 25.00) μg.h.L-1,respectively.Conclusion The population pharmacokinetic model of simvastatin by NONMEM was proved to be reliable.It might realize the simvastatin dosage individualation in hemodialysis patients.This study demonstrated that the AUC with simvastatin(20 mg) was similar to that of healthy volunteers with simvastatin 40 mg orally in literatures.It recommends that simvastatin should be administered individully and less legular initial dose might be used in hemodialysis patients.