MUC1 ectodomain is a flagellin-targeting decoy receptor and biomarker operative during Pseudomonas aeruginosa lung infection
Avelino C Verceles,Pavan Bhat,Zain Nagaria,Destiny Martin,Harsh Patel,Afua Ntem-Mensah,Sang W Hyun,Andrea Hahn,Jean Jeudy,Alan S Cross,Erik P Lillehoj,Simeon E Goldblum
Abstract:We previously reported that flagellin-expressing Pseudomonas aeruginosa (Pa) provokes NEU1 sialidase-mediated MUC1 ectodomain (MUC1-ED) desialylation and MUC1-ED shedding from murine lungs in vivo. Here, we asked whether Pa in the lungs of patients with ventilator-associated pneumonia might also increase MUC1-ED shedding. The levels of MUC1-ED and Pa-expressed flagellin were dramatically elevated in bronchoalveolar lavage fluid (BALF) harvested from Pa-infected patients, and each flagellin level, in turn, predicted MUC1-ED shedding in the same patient. Desialylated MUC1-ED was only detected in BALF of Pa-infected patients. Clinical Pa strains increased MUC1-ED shedding from cultured human alveolar epithelia, and FlaA and FlaB flagellin-expressing strains provoked comparable levels of MUC1-ED shedding. A flagellin-deficient isogenic mutant generated dramatically reduced MUC1-ED shedding compared with the flagellin-expressing wild-type strain, and purified FlaA and FlaB recapitulated the effect of intact bacteria. Pa:MUC1-ED complexes were detected in the supernatants of alveolar epithelia exposed to wild-type Pa, but not to the flagellin-deficient Pa strain. Finally, human recombinant MUC1-ED dose-dependently disrupted multiple flagellin-driven processes, including Pa motility, Pa biofilm formation, and Pa adhesion to human alveolar epithelia, while enhancing human neutrophil-mediated Pa phagocytosis. Therefore, shed desialylated MUC1-ED functions as a novel flagellin-targeting, Pa-responsive decoy receptor that participates in the host response to Pa at the airway epithelial surface.