Regulation of $Ba^{2+}$-Induced Contraction of Murine Ureteral Smooth Muscle
김영철,Lee Moo Yeol,Wun‐Jae Kim,Soon Chul Myung,Woong Choi,김찬형,Wen-Xie Xu,김승렬,Sang-Jin Lee
Korean Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology
Abstract:This study was designed to characterize ureteral smooth muscle motility and also to study the effect of forskolin(FSK) and isoproterenol(ISO) on smooth muscle contractility in murine ureter. High (50 mM) produced tonic contraction by (n=19). Neuropeptide and neurotransmitters such as serotonin(), histamine(), and carbarchol(CCh, ) did not produce significant contraction. However, CCh() produced slow phasic contraction in the presence of 25 mM . Cyclopiazonic acid(CPA, ), SR -ATPase blocker, produced tonic contraction(0.07 mN). Meanwhile, inhibition of mitochondria by protonophore carbnylcyanide m-chlorophenylhydrazone(CCCP) also produced weak tonic contraction(0.01 mN). The possible involvement of channels was also pursued. Tetraethyl ammonium chloride(TEA, 10 mM), glibenclamide() and quinidine() which are known to block -activated channels( channel), ATP-sensitive channels() and nonselective channel, respectively, did not elicit any significant effect. However, (), blocker of inward rectifier channels( channel), produced phasic contraction in a reversible manner, which was blocked by nicardipine, a blocker of dehydropyridine-sensitive voltage-dependent L-type channels() in smooth muscle membrane. This -induced phasic contraction was significantly enhanced by cyclopiazonic acid(CPA) in the frequency and amplitude. Finally, regulation of -induced contraction was studied by FSK and ISO which are known as adenylyl cyclase activator and -adrenergic receptor agonist, respectively. These drugs significantly suppressed the frequency and amplitude of -induced contraction(p produces phasic contraction in murine ureteral smooth muscle which can be regulated by FSK and -adrenergic stimulation.