Search for baryon and lepton number violating Z0 decays
OPAL Collaboration,G. Abbiendi,K. Ackerstaff,G. Alexander,J. Allison,N. Altekamp,K.J. Anderson,S. Anderson,S. Arcelli,S. Asai,S.F. Ashby,D. Axen,G. Azuelos,A.H. Ball,E. Barberio,R.J. Barlow,R. Bartoldus,J.R. Batley,S. Baumann,J. Bechtluft,T. Behnke,K.W. Bell,G. Bella,A. Bellerive,S. Bentvelsen,S. Bethke,S. Betts,O. Biebel,A. Biguzzi,S.D. Bird,V. Blobel,I.J. Bloodworth,P. Bock,J. Böhme,D. Bonacorsi,M. Boutemeur,S. Braibant,P. Bright-Thomas,L. Brigliadori,R.M. Brown,H.J. Burckhart,P. Capiluppi,R.K. Carnegie,A.A. Carter,J.R. Carter,C.Y. Chang,D.G. Charlton,D. Chrisman,C. Ciocca,P.E.L. Clarke,E. Clay,I. Cohen,J.E. Conboy,O.C. Cooke,C. Couyoumtzelis,R.L. Coxe,M. Cuffiani,S. Dado,G.M. Dallavalle,R. Davis,S. De Jong,A. de Roeck,P. Dervan,K. Desch,B. Dienes,M.S. Dixit,J. Dubbert,E. Duchovni,G. Duckeck,I.P. Duerdoth,D. Eatough,P.G. Estabrooks,E. Etzion,F. Fabbri,M. Fanti,A.A. Faust,F. Fiedler,M. Fierro,I. Fleck,R. Folman,A. Fürtjes,D.I. Futyan,P. Gagnon,J.W. Gary,J. Gascon,S.M. Gascon-Shotkin,G. Gaycken,C. Geich-Gimbel,G. Giacomelli,P. Giacomelli,V. Gibson,W.R. Gibson,D.M. Gingrich,D. Glenzinski,J. Goldberg,W. Gorn,C. Grandi,K. Graham,E. Gross,J. Grunhaus,M. Gruwé,G.G. Hanson,M. Hansroul,M. Hapke,K. Harder,A. Harel,C.K. Hargrove,C. Hartmann,M. Hauschild,C.M. Hawkes,R. Hawkings,R.J. Hemingway,M. Herndon,G. Herten,R.D. Heuer,M.D. Hildreth,J.C. Hill,P.R. Hobson,M. Hoch,A. Hocker,K. Hoffman,R.J. Homer,A.K. Honma,D. Horváth,K.R. Hossain,R. Howard,P. Hüntemeyer,P. Igo-Kemenes,D.C. Imrie,K. Ishii,F.R. Jacob,A. Jawahery,H. Jeremie,M. Jimack,C.R. Jones,P. Jovanovic,T.R. Junk,D. Karlen,V. Kartvelishvili,K. Kawagoe,T. Kawamoto,P.I. Kayal,R.K. Keeler,R.G. Kellogg,B.W. Kennedy,D.H. Kim,A. Klier,S. Kluth,T. Kobayashi,M. Kobel,D.S. Koetke,T.P. Kokott,M. Kolrep,S. Komamiya,R.V. Kowalewski,T. Kress,P. Krieger,J. von Krogh,T. Kuhl,P. Kyberd,G.D. Lafferty,H. Landsman,D. Lanske,J. Lauber,S.R. Lautenschlager,I. Lawson,J.G. Layter,D. Lazic,A.M. Lee,D. Lellouch,J. Letts,L. Levinson,R. Liebisch,B. List,C. Littlewood,A.W. Lloyd,S.L. Lloyd,F.K. Loebinger,G.D. Long,M.J. Losty,J. Ludwig,D. Liu,A. Macchiolo,A. Macpherson,W. Mader,M. Mannelli,S. Marcellini,C. Markopoulos,A.J. Martin,J.P. Martin,G. Martinez,T. Mashimo,P. Mättig,W.J. McDonald,J. McKenna,E.A. Mckigney,T.J. McMahon,R.A. McPherson,F. Meijers,S. Menke,F.S. Merritt,H. Mes,J. Meyer,A. Michelini,S. Mihara,G. Mikenberg,D.J. Miller,R. Mir,W. Mohr,A. Montanari,T. Mori,K. Nagai,I. Nakamura,H.A. Neal,B. Nellen,R. Nisius,S.W. O'Neale,F.G. Oakham,F. Odorici,H.O. Ogren,M.J. Oreglia,S. Orito,J. Pálinkás,G. Pásztor,J.R. Pater,G.N. Patrick,J. Patt,R. Perez-Ochoa,S. Petzold,P. Pfeifenschneider,J.E. Pilcher,J. Pinfold,D.E. Plane,P. Poffenberger,J. Polok,M. Przybycień,C. Rembser,H. Rick,S. Robertson,S.A. Robins,N. Rodning,J.M. Roney,K. Roscoe,A.M. Rossi,Y. Rozen,K. Runge,O. Runolfsson,D.R. Rust,K. Sachs,T. Saeki,O. Sahr,W.M. Sang,E.K.G. Sarkisyan,C. Sbarra,A.D. Schaile,O. Schaile,F. Scharf,P. Scharff-Hansen,J. Schieck,B. Schmitt,S. Schmitt,A. Schöning,M. Schröder,M. Schumacher,C. Schwick,W.G. Scott,R. Seuster,T.G. Shears,B.C. Shen,C.H. Shepherd-Themistocleous,P. Sherwood,G.P. Siroli,A. Sittler,A. Skuja,A.M. Smith,G.A. Snow,R. Sobie,S. Söldner-Rembold,S. Spagnolo,M. Sproston,A. Stahl,K. Stephens,J. Steuerer,K. Stoll,D. Strom,R. Ströhmer,B. Surrow,S.D. Talbot,S. Tanaka,P. Taras,S. Tarem,R. Teuscher,M. Thiergen,J. Thomas,M.A. Thomson,E. von Törne,E. Torrence,S. Towers,I. Trigger,Z. Trócsányi,E. Tsur,A.S. Turcot,M.F. Turner-Watson,I. Ueda,R. Van Kooten,P. Vannerem,M. Verzocchi,H. Voss,F. Wäckerle,A. Wagner,C.P. Ward,D.R. Ward,P.M. Watkins,A.T. Watson,N.K. Watson,P.S. Wells,N. Wermes,J.S. White,G.W. Wilson,J.A. Wilson,T.R. Wyatt,S. Yamashita,G. Yekutieli,V. Zacek,D. Zer-Zion
IF: 4.95
Physics Letters B
Abstract:Using data collected with the OPAL detector at LEP, we have searched for the processes e+e−→Z0→pe−,pμ− and the charge conjugate final-states. These would violate the conservation of the baryon-number B, lepton-number L and the fermion-number n = (B+L). No evidence for such decays has been found, and the 95% confidence level upper limits on the partial widths Γ(Z0→pe) and Γ(Z0→pμ) are found to be 4.6 and 4.4 keV respectively.
astronomy & astrophysics,physics, particles & fields, nuclear