Beyond Gamification: Implications of Purposeful Games for the Information Systems Discipline

Kafui Monu,Paul Ralph
Computers and Society
Abstract:Gamification is an emerging design principle for information systems where game design elements are applied to non-game contexts. IS researchers have suggested that the IS discipline must study this area but there are other applications such as serious games, and simulations that also use games in non-game contexts. Specifically, the management field has been using games and simulations for years and these applications are now being supported by information systems. We propose in this paper that we must think beyond gamification, towards other uses of games in non-gaming contexts, which we call purposeful gaming. In this paper we identify how the IS discipline can adapt to purposeful gaming. Specifically, we show how IT artifacts, IS design, and IS theories can be used in the purposeful gaming area. We also provide three conceptual dimensions of purposeful gaming that can aid IS practitioners and researchers to classify and understand purposeful games.
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