Pengaruh Orthopneic Position, Diaphragmatic Breathing Exercise dan Pursed Lip Breathing terhadap Peningkatan Ekspansi Sangkar Thoraks pada Pasien Tuberculosis di Rumah Sakit Paru Dungus madiun

S.Fis. M.Sc Isnaini Herawati,Mulatsih Nita Utami
Abstract:Tuberculose, also known as TB is caused by the mycobacterium tuberculose bacteria which spread through sputum sparks which eventually enter through the respiratory tract. Orthopneic position, diaphragm breathing exercise and pursed lip breathing is a position to facilitate the patient's breathing effort so as to help the lungs expand more optimally with the influence of the gravitational force acting on the diaphragm. While diaphragm breathing exercise and pursed lip breathing are breathing techniques to increase thoracic cage expansion through the technique of breathing with the diaphragm as an inspiratory muscle so that the inspiration muscle becomes optimal in thoracic expansion. This experimental has to determine the difference in effect of orthopneic position, diaphragm breathing exercise and pursed lip breathing with orthopneic position and diaphragm breathing exercise in Tuberculosis patients at Dungus Madiun Pulmonary Hospital.This experimental uses a quasi-experimental type with pretest and post-test design using incidental sampling technique. Group I was given training in the effect of orthopneic position, diaphragm breathing exercise and pursed lip breathing and group II was given orthopneic position training and diaphragm breathing exercise to measure thoracic cage expansion. With a meterline measuring instrument.
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