Parallel transmit hybrid pulse design for controlled on‐resonance magnetization transfer in R1 mapping at 7T
David Leitão,Raphael Tomi‐Tricot,Philippa Bridgen,Pierluigi Di Cio,Patrick Liebig,Rene Gumbrecht,Dieter Ritter,Sharon Giles,Joseph V. Hajnal,Shaihan J. Malik
Magnetic Resonance in Medicine
Abstract:Purpose This work proposes a "hybrid" RF pulse design method for parallel transmit (pTx) systems to simultaneously control flip angle and root‐mean‐squared B1+ (B1rms ). These pulses are generally only designed for flip angle, however, this can lead to uncontrolled B1rms , which then leads to variable magnetization transfer (MT) effects. We demonstrate the hybrid design approach for quantitative imaging where both flip angle and B1rms are important. Theory and Methods A dual cost function optimization is performed containing the normalized mean squared errors of the flip angle and B1rms distributions weighted by a parameter λ . Simulations were conducted to study the behavior of both properties when simultaneously optimizing them. In vivo experiments on a 7T MRI system with an 8‐channel pTx head coil were carried out to study the effect of the hybrid design approach on variable flip angle R1 (= 1/T1) mapping. Results Simulations showed that both flip angle and B1rms can be homogenized simultaneously without detriment to either when compared to an individual optimization. By homogenizing flip angle and B1rms , R1 maps were more uniform (coefficient of variation 6.6% vs. 13.0%) compared to those acquired with pulses that only homogenized flip angle. Conclusion The proposed hybrid design homogenizes on‐resonance MT effects while homogenizing the flip angle distribution, with only a small detriment in the latter compared to a pulse that just homogenizes flip angle. This improved R1 mapping by controlling incidental MT effects, yielding more uniform R1 maps.
radiology, nuclear medicine & medical imaging