Barrett's Oesophagus Surveillance versus endoscopy at need Study (BOSS): protocol and analysis plan for a multicentre randomized controlled trial

Oliver Old,Paul Moayyedi,Sharon Love,Corran Roberts,Julie Hapeshi,Chris Foy,Clive Stokes,Andrew Briggs,Janusz Jankowski,Hugh Barr,BOSS Trial Team,George Abouda,Khurshid Akhtar,David Aldulaimi,Haythem Ali,Miles Allison,Max Almond,Yeng Ang,Stephen Attwood,Mariann Baulf,Ian Beales,Conrad Beckett,Abduljail Benhamida,Pradeep Bhandari,Phil Boger,Nicholas Bosanko,Graham Butcher,Guy Chung-Faye,Carole Collins,Gareth Davies,John De Caestecker,Anjan Dhar,John Dillon,Andrew Dixon,Samuel Dresner,Cathryn Edwards,David Elphick,Mark Farrant,Stephen Foley,Mark Fullard,Thukalan Paulose George,Ian Gooding,Stephen Gore,John Green,Charles Grimley,Richard Hammonds,Peter Hanson,Andrew Higham,Gavin Hill,David Hobday,Alan Ireland,Peter Isaacs,Matthew Johnson,Sudarshan Kadri,Jin-Yong Kang,Kapil C Kapur,Mark Kelly,Iqbal Khan,Konrad Koss,Ian London,Laurence Lovat,Karen Low,Christopher MacDonald,Ravi Madhotra,Philip Mairs,James M Manson,Hugh McMurtry,Mike Mendall,Andrew D Millar,Frank Murphy,Ian Murray,Mark Narain,John O'Donohue,Stuart Paterson,Mike Perry,Perminder Phull,Puroshothaman Premchand,Sean Preston,Roger Prudham,Johan Rademaker,Krish Ragunath,John Ramage,Bashir Rameh,Colin Rees,Bjorn Rembacken,Matt Rutter,Ian Sargeant,Vishal Sazena,Syed Shah,James Shutt,Salil Singh,Simon Smales,Howard Smart,Mark Smith,Ali Taha,Nigel Trudgill,Olga Tucker,Bernhard Usselmann,Kishor Vaidya,Andrew Veitch,Saj Wajed,David Watmough,Peter Watson,Robert P Willert,Jessica Williams,Mohamed Yousif
Abstract:Objectives: The absolute annual risk of patients with Barrett's oesophagus (BO) developing oesophageal adenocarcinoma (OAC) is ≤ 0.5%. Screening BO patients for malignant progression using endoscopic surveillance is widely practised. To assess the efficacy and cost-effectiveness of this, we developed a protocol for a randomized controlled trial of surveillance versus 'at need' endoscopy. Methods: In a multicentre trial, 3400 BO patients randomized to either 2-yearly endoscopic surveillance or 'at need' endoscopy will be followed up for 10 years. Urgent endoscopy will be offered to all patients who develop symptoms of dysphagia, unexplained weight loss > 7lb (3.2 kg), iron deficiency anaemia, recurrent vomiting, or worsening upper gastrointestinal symptoms. Participants must have endoscopically and histologically confirmed BO, with circumferential BO ≥ 1 cm or maximal tongue/island length ≥ 2 cm. Candidates with existing oesophageal high-grade dysplasia or cancer, or previous upper gastrointestinal cancer will be excluded. Primary outcome will be overall survival. Secondary outcomes will be cost effectiveness (cost per life year saved and quality adjusted life years); cancer-specific survival; time to OAC diagnosis and stage at diagnosis; morbidity and mortality related to any interventions; and frequency of endoscopy. Conclusions: This randomized trial will provide data to evaluate the efficacy and cost-effectiveness of screening BO patients for OAC.
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