Resolution of singularities via Tannaka duality

Jasper van de Kreeke
Abstract:Resolving finite quotient singularities is a classical problem in algebraic geometry. Traditional methods of Geometric Invariant Theory (GIT) translate the singularity into a quiver representation space and take the GIT quotient with respect to a generic stability parameter. While this approach easily produces smooth resolutions, it fails to produce any stacky resolutions, as quiver representation spaces lack finite stabilizers. This paper provides an alternative framework which produces both smooth and stacky resolutions. Our framework is based on a trick of Abdelgadir and Segal, which deploys Tannaka duality to describe the points of the classifying stack of a finite group in terms of algebraic data. Abdelgadir and Segal successfully pursue this strategy and obtain smooth and stacky resolutions in the Kleinian $ D_4 $ case. We generalize this strategy to all Kleinian singularities and obtain a series of varieties which we refer to as Clebsch-Gordan varieties. We provide tools to work with these Clebsch-Gordan varieties, analyze their stable loci with respect to different stability parameters, and study the Kleinian $ A_n $ and $ D_n $ cases in detail.
Algebraic Geometry,Rings and Algebras,Representation Theory
What problem does this paper attempt to address?
The problem that this paper attempts to solve is the resolution problem of finite quotient singularities, especially the resolution of Kleinian singularities. Although traditional methods such as Geometric Invariant Theory (GIT) can produce smooth resolutions, they cannot generate stacky resolutions. The author proposes a new framework based on Tannaka duality, which can produce both smooth resolutions and stacky resolutions simultaneously. Specifically, the main contributions of the paper include: 1. **Introduction of Clebsch - Gordan varieties**: By maintaining all tensor relations \(U_i\otimes U_j\cong\bigoplus_k U_k^{\oplus c_{ijk}}\), a new variety \(CG_{\Gamma}\) is defined, where \(c_{ijk}\) is the Clebsch - Gordan coefficient. This variety is called the Clebsch - Gordan variety and is applicable to any finite group \(\Gamma\). 2. **Resolution of Kleinian singularities**: It is proved that under appropriate stability parameters, the GIT quotient of \(CG_{\Gamma}\times\mathbb{C}^2\) can simultaneously give the stacky resolution and the smooth resolution of the Kleinian singularity \(\mathbb{C}^2/\Gamma\). 3. **Generalization of existing results**: The work of Abdelgadir and Segal in the \(A_n\) and \(D_4\) cases is generalized to all Kleinian singularities, solving their limitations in more general cases. ### Summary of mathematical formulas - **Tensor relations**: \[ U_i\otimes U_j\cong\bigoplus_k U_k^{\oplus c_{ijk}} \] where \(c_{ijk}\) is the Clebsch - Gordan coefficient. - **Definition of Clebsch - Gordan variety**: \[ CG_{\Gamma}=\overline{\text{Orbit of a single point under the action of }GL} \] - **GIT quotient**: \[ [(CG_{\Gamma}\times\mathbb{C}^2)_{\theta_1}/GL]\sim[\mathbb{C}^2/\Gamma] \] \[ [(CG_{\Gamma}\times\mathbb{C}^2)_{\theta_2}/GL]\sim\widehat{\mathbb{C}^2/\Gamma} \] Through these methods, the paper provides a new and more general framework for resolving finite quotient singularities, especially Kleinian singularities, and solves the problem that traditional methods cannot generate stacky resolutions.